Ten Famous Erhu Songs

301 views · Organized by 没头脑 on 2022-02-16
The ten famous Erhu songs are rare and handed down among Chinese national instrumental music. They are: Reflecting the Moon in Erquan, Liangxiao, Song Song, Birds in the Sky, Cold Spring Breeze, Moon Night, Flowing Waves, Yin in Sickness, and Three Treasures Buddha, bright line. These ten pieces are treasures of traditional Chinese music.

Ten Famous Erhu Songs

Erquan Yingyue

"Erquan Reflecting the Moon" is a rare handed down work in Chinese national instrumental music. The second spring in Quzhong, namely Huishan Spring in Wuxi, Jiangsu, is known as "the second spring in the world". The author Hua Yanjun (A Bing) named the song "Erquan Reflecting the Moon", which not only introduces people into the mood of quiet at night and the moon is cold in the home, but listening to the complete song is more like seeing a person - an upright and tenacious blind artist People poured out his rough life. The author uses the five positions of the erhu to play with the strength of various bowing techniques, showing a depressed and pathetic mood. Following the short introduction, the melody flows in a microscopic manner, just as the author is sitting by the spring and contemplating the past. The second phrase has only two bars and appears six times in the whole piece. It starts from a high octave and revolves up and down around the palace tone, breaking the silence in front of it and starting to rise up, revealing the author's infinite emotion. When entering the third sentence, the melody flows in the high-pitched area, the melody is soft and firm, and the emotion is more exciting. The theme changed from calm and deep at the beginning to excitement and high-spiritedness, which profoundly revealed the author's inner life feeling and tenacious and proud will to live. His frequent use of various techniques in playing makes the music a little sad. This is the emotional expression of a blind artist who has suffered from the bitterness and pain of the world. The whole piece changes the theme five times. With the statement, extension and development of the music, the emotions expressed are more fully volatile. This song is lingering and emotional, with deep national style and strong artistic appeal. It is widely circulated in the north and south of the river and is deeply loved.

good night

Originally called "Singing in the Night", it was created in 1928 by the folk musician Liu Tianhua. "Good Night" is an impromptu work by the author when he gathers with students and friends on New Year's Eve. Infected by the joyous mood on New Year's Eve, the author was in high spirits. The music image of this song is single, lyrical, fresh and lively, giving people a sense of ease and contentment. The music gives full play to the performance characteristics of each position of the erhu. The whole piece is divided into three sections, the first section is mainly played on the top bar, the melody is smooth and strong like a song; the second section is mainly played on the middle bar, the melody is bright, passionate and powerful; the third section is mainly played on the bottom bar, the melody is high-spirited and colorful colorful. The whole song is short and concise, in one go. The author vividly depicts the joyful mood of narrating and spending a good night with his friends through the light, soft and free melody. For more than 60 years, this piece is still full of exuberant vitality. The joy and passion expressed in the piece have reached the extreme performance of the instrument. It is a masterpiece of erhu music.

Ting Song

Hua Yanjun (A Bing) song. According to legend, during the Song Dynasty, Wushu was defeated by Yue Fei and fled to the foot of Huiquan Mountain in Wuxi. "Listening to Song" is to describe this story, so it is also called "Listening to Song". Although this statement is far-fetched, but the music is bold and unrestrained, it can also be interpreted in this way. Through Songtao's borrowing, the author praises the national hero Yue Fei's military might, and at the same time pours out his upright character and firm and confident will. The tune is strong and powerful, with ups and downs; the structure is symmetrical before and after, and the main body is prominent. The grand introduction, like the whistling pines shaking the valley, makes people feel a kind of perseverance and heroic spirit. The melody of the music is smooth and smooth. The first half brings out a strong horn tone with weak vibrato and staccato, and the second half adopts irregular free variation repetition. The speed and dynamics of the whole song are changeable suddenly, with dramatic effect. In the performance, one word and one bow are mostly used, even in the extremely fast sixteenth note, the words are clear and powerful, which is one of the factors of the music's unrestrained momentum. This song has a rigorous structure, clear layers, strong emotion and majestic momentum. It is a rare masterpiece.

empty mountain bird

It took Liu Tianhua ten years to make this piece. The title "Empty Mountain Birds" is taken from the Tang Dynasty Wang Wei's poem "empty mountain does not see people" ("Lu Chai"). The author expresses his love for nature with a melody rich in national character, on the basis of traditional folk performance techniques, and using professional creative skills to form a complete and poetic piece of music. The music describes the lively scene of birds singing joyfully in the deep mountains and valleys. The music imitates the chirping of birds with onomatopoeia, deeply infiltrating the composer's emotion in the music. There are five paragraphs in structure, plus an introduction and an epilogue. The introduction is like the call of mountains and forests, echoes of empty valleys, profound artistic conception, quiet and fascinating. Then, a very active melody proceeds, appearing as the image of "people", running through the whole song, sometimes alone, sometimes combined with birdsong, as if the fresh and pleasant mood of "people" given by the natural scenery is intertwined and blended with the free and free bird's voice . The use of ring fingers (the ring finger, middle finger, and index finger of the left hand quickly press the same note in turn), the large-scale glissando technique and the decomposition of the major chords on the melody show the author's innovative spirit in creation and make Erhu, an ancient erhu. The instrument has a new look.

Cold Spring Breeze

Hua Yanjun (A Bing) composed the music. Some of the tunes and playing techniques of the piece are similar to those of "Erquan Reflecting the Moon", but the tunes are mostly performed in the bright sound area, which is more lively and smooth, and stretches wide, making the listeners feel that the bright spring is approaching.

moonlit night

Composed by Liu Tianhua. In the summer of 1918, Liu Tianhua was enjoying the cool air under the moon. The first draft of this piece was written, and it was finalized six years later. The melody of the music is stretched and soft, euphemistic and simple. In the progression-based melody, the sixth, seventh and octave jump scales appear from time to time, with ups and downs and eclectic styles. The whole piece is divided into three sections, mainly using the swirl method of expansion, such as the silkworm spinning in spring, which is continuous. The whole song has the artistic conception of the moon, white and clear air, but it is more about the expression of feelings and the expression of ambition, which can not help but remind people of the poem "Moon Night" by Liu Fangping, a poet in the Tang Dynasty: "In the middle of the moon and night, people in the north are languishing in the north. Tonight is full of spring. It's warm, and the sound of insects is fresh through the green screen."

flow curve

The representative work of the folk artist Sun Wenming. The author is from Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. He was blind in childhood and lived in poverty due to the loss of his father. He had to leave his hometown to make a living. Later, he specialized in huqin performance and made a living by performing arts. The music is a self-portrait of his hard life living abroad. After liberation, with the improvement of life and a cheerful mood, he successively composed eight Erhu songs including "Dan Liu", "Liu Bo Song", "Quarter Song" and "People's Peace of Mind". And explore and create performance techniques. For example, the song "Danliu" imitates playing a stringed instrument without needing a thousand pounds; in the song "People Quiet and Peaceful", it tries to use four-hued octave tuning to play octave chords; Techniques similar to the sound of the dongxiao are used in "Silent Xiaosheng in the Night" and so on.

chant in sickness

"Singing in the Sick", also known as "An Shi" or "Hu Shi", is Liu Tianhua's debut novel, first drafted in 1915 and finalized in 1918. The title of the song means "where is life going". In 1915, the author suffered from unemployment, bereavement of his father, and poverty. He suffered from depression and became ill. During his illness, he wanted to play Erhu to relieve his sorrow. He felt that the situation was difficult and the future was bleak. In this state of mind, the first draft of the melody of "Singing in a Sickness" was born, and the depressed mood at that time, the sigh of life's comfort, the struggle in adversity and the pain of desperate, all poured into the music. But this is not a desperate sad song, but an expected, moving inner monologue. The first section of the piece expresses anguish and hesitation, the mood of "continuously cutting, and the rationale is chaotic". The rhythm of the second paragraph is decisive and powerful, and the melody is more rapid, expressing a desire to be freed from the weight of anguish, and an ambition to fight against the surrounding dark forces. The third paragraph and the end express the sighs and difficulties of the will to struggle constantly strengthening and struggling to move forward in the face of adversity. When the development of the music reaches its climax, the melody is suddenly interrupted, and the mood takes a sharp turn. The twelve-degree downward glissando creates an ileal grief effect, and the whole piece ends in a vibrato like a moan of pain. The issue of "comfort" in life raised by the author in the title is expressed incisively and vividly through the music, sometimes groaning, sometimes singing with anger, sometimes expressing affectionately, sometimes groaning and sighing.

Three Treasures Buddha

The "Three Waves" in the music was once adapted by the yangqin artist Yan Laolie into the Guangdong music "Thunder in the Dry Sky", which expresses the joy of people when they meet the rain for a long time. The rest of the piece is melodious and melodious, with a smooth rhythm. The erhu and orchestral performances are carefully handled to make the music more pleasant.

Bright line

Liu Tianhua painted in the spring of 1931. "Xing Guangming" is an uplifting march, with a bright and firm melody and a flexible rhythm, expressing the old society intellectuals' constant pursuit of progress and brightness. In the music, the horn-like tone is formed by the decomposition of the main chord, which occupies a dominant position in the music. The whole piece is divided into four sections, with an introduction and an epilogue. On the basis of the cyclic variations available in the traditional Chinese folk music, it adopts the characteristics of the Western complex trilogy and has a strict structure. In the intro, the firm, tidy march of the pace can be heard, followed by a snare drum beat and a soaring tone. The melody of the second march style is smooth and beautiful like a song. The third paragraph is repeated and transposed in a flexible tone pattern, constantly presenting, as if people are marching forward with vigorous strides. At the end, when the mood develops to a climax, the technique of tightening and repetition is used to make the music more enthusiastic; at the end, there is a melody that simulates the main triad decomposition of the bugle sound, which makes the whole piece lively and full of courage. enterprising spirit and optimistic self-confidence for a bright future.
Reference materials and contributors

Involving the artist

Sun Wenming (1928-1962): Folk musician. Born in Shangyu, Zhejiang. Forced to live, wandering everywhere, after learning erhu as a means of making a living. When he was studying, he first imitated the playing, and was good at absorbing folk songs and minor keys.
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Hua Yanjun (August 17, 1893 to December 4, 1950), A Bing, was born in Wuxi City, a folk musician and a Taoist priest of the Taoist school. He was blind in both eyes due to eye disease. He is an outstanding folk musician in China.
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Liu Tianhua is from Xiheng Street, Chengjiang Town, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province. China's outstanding national musical instrument composer, performer, music educator. The master of modern Chinese folk music and the originator of the erhu.
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Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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