"The 17th Sakura Erhu Concert to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Normalization of China-Japan Diplomatic Relations" was successfully held

67 views · Organized by 沈梦溪 on 2022-04-18

On April 9, the "17th Sakura Erhu Concert to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Normalization of China-Japan Diplomatic Relations" was successfully held at the Nagoya City Public Hall in central Japan. Liu Xiaojun, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Nagoya, Huang Xingyuan, Chinese Representative Director of the Japan-China Friendship Association, Shoichi Kondo, Director-General of the Japan-China Friendship Council of Parliamentarians' Association, Toshio Matsuo, Deputy Mayor of Nagoya City, Hatsuhiro Yoshioka, Mayor of Takahama City, Aichi Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture Kenji Oseki, Mayor of Seki City, Masao Shimao, Chairman of Tokai Japan-China Trade Center, Nobuji Ueyama, Chairman of Japan-China Cultural Association, Daisuke Inoue, Director of Toyota Motor China Department, Taku Washi, Director of China-Japan News Agency, and Matsuzaki, President of Nagoya Branch of Jiji News Agency Katsumi, Lin Meixiang, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the 16th Nagoya Chinese New Year Festival, and other people from all walks of life in China and Japan attended the event. Consul General Liu Xiaojun and Deputy Mayor Matsuxiong Junxian delivered speeches respectively.

concert poster

concert program

audience at concert

Hosts: Ren Ling, Huang Min, Kato Chika

Consul General Liu Xiaojun said in his speech that China and Japan are geographically similar and culturally connected. In the two thousand years of history of exchanges, China and Japan have accumulated unique cultural integration, and the two peoples have built a strong emotional bond. This year is the normal diplomatic relationship between China and Japan. The 50th anniversary of China-Japan relations has ushered in an important opportunity for summarizing the history and creating the future together.

Consul General Liu Xiaojun delivering a speech

Consul General Liu Xiaojun also pointed out that music is the common language of mankind and can build a bridge for communication and understanding between different countries and different ethnic groups. Erhu is a traditional Chinese musical instrument and is deeply loved by the people of China and Japan. In this beautiful season of spring and cherry blossoms, I look forward to the people of the two countries, through the dialogue of music, to play the beautiful movement of the people-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and Japan in the new era, and to welcome the hopeful tomorrow together.

Vice Mayor Matsuo Toshiken delivering a speech

In his speech, Deputy Mayor Matsuo Toshiken congratulated the successful holding of the Erhu Concert, saying that after 17 years of development, the Cherry Blossom Erhu Concert has become a brand event in Nagoya in spring. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. It is hoped that this concert will further promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning between Japan and China and enhance the friendship between the two peoples.

Zhang Bin and members of the Erhu Ensemble during the performance

Wonderful performance

The performance of the Nanjing Chinese Orchestra

At the concert that day, Chinese and Japanese erhu artists and enthusiasts jointly performed "Spring, Come on", "Beijing Has a Golden Sun", "The Moon in the Deserted City", "The Wind and the Moon are in the Same Sky", "Walking", "Sakura" , "Thousands of Waters and Thousands of Mountains Always Love" and other classic songs. In addition to the live performers, the Nanjing Chinese Orchestra also performed wonderful repertoires such as "The Charm of Jinling" through a video link.

Video congratulations from Sun Man, head of Nanjing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

Congratulatory letter from people from all walks of life in Japan

The concert was hosted by the Zhang Bin Erhu Ensemble, a legal person for specific non-profit activities, and co-organized by the Chinese Consulate General in Nagoya, the Nanjing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and the Nagoya Sister Cities Association. As the person in charge of the organizer, Zhang Bin, a famous erhu performer in Japan, said: "Thank you for co-organizing, sponsoring, cooperating, supporting, as well as all the audience and participating units, groups and individuals. With everyone's common help and common Through hard work, we were able to leave a beautiful 50th anniversary and unforgettable memories for the audience and everyone, and thus see the crystallization of Sino-Japanese friendship and cultural exchange and integration. The audience's moving is the real art, and it is also our motivation. "

Group photo of guests and actors

Zhang Bin is a native of Liaoning, China. He came to Japan in 1992 and studied at Nagoya University of the Arts and Aichi Prefectural University of Arts. In 2000, he obtained the first erhu artist visa from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. In 2001, he established the Japan Zhangbin Erhu Academy in Nagoya. In 2005, he established the Zhangbin Erhu Ensemble. He has been a special guest at the World Expo held in Aichi, Japan and Shanghai, China. show. In addition, he has led a group to return to China many times to participate in CCTV and friendly concerts in Tianjin, Beijing, Nanjing and other places. Zhang Bin himself was also appointed as the special ambassador of Nagoya tourism and cultural exchange, the senior consultant of Jiangsu Overseas Exchange Association, and the overseas member of Nanjing CPPCC. He travels between China and Japan for friendly exchanges between China and Japan.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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