The benefits and precautions of learning erhu

508 views · Organized by 象牙山首富 on 2022-05-26

There are many benefits to learning erhu. Now many adults also take exams to learn erhu, so what are the benefits of learning erhu for adults? The following is an introduction to the benefits of learning erhu for everyone, I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

The benefits and precautions of learning erhu

The benefits of learning erhu

1. Conducive to the improvement of personal musical literacy

It is conducive to the improvement of hearing sensitivity, the improvement of finger flexibility, and the development of intelligence (especially for the development of the right brain. Usually, the left hand is generally used less, and the erhu is used to press the strings with the left hand, and The skill of the right hand is also very high, which is conducive to the coordination of the brain and limbs).

2. Learning erhu can cultivate perseverance, attention, imagination, and can improve intelligence, especially logical thinking ability.

Erhu music is the expressive art of sound, and the expression of its notes contains infinite meaning, which provides infinite space for our imagination, logical thinking ability, and leaping thinking. You can interpret the music in your heart according to your imagination, so learning erhu can improve your intelligence and all aspects of your brain.

3. From a practical point of view, erhu also has its benefits

1) With the erhu as another tool for socializing and another tool for communicating with others, one can participate in inter-school exchanges, and even study abroad. If you learn Western musical instruments, it will be more difficult to go abroad. After all, folk music is Chinese. human strengths.

2) You can get extra points as an art student in the college entrance examination.

3) There is also an additional way for me to express my emotions.

4) In today's society, many children are generally addicted to the Internet (games), which makes many parents who hope to become a dragon very distressed. They can learn from the instrumental music of Erhu to divert their children's attention, so that children can sit quietly and play Qin, why not do it?

Notes on learning erhu

I usually get together with some middle-aged and elderly people to learn erhu playing skills with each other. Whenever some people do not perform well on the spot, they often sigh and say: We are middle-aged and elderly people, and it is difficult to learn to play well. For this reason, I often think, can adults still learn Erhu well? The answer is yes. It should be noted here that when I say adults, I mean people over the age of 35. Because, although adults are older, as long as they are willing to use their brains, their performance skills should improve very quickly. For example, I was only 36 years old when I came into contact with erhu, and now I am 42 years old. Due to my diligence and humility in the early days of learning the piano, I can now play Chen Gang's "Sunshine" and Wang Jianmin's "Tianshan", so I think that even an adult, as long as If you like it and are willing to study diligently, it will greatly improve. However, as an adult learning piano, please keep the following points in mind, in order to achieve twice the result with half the effort:

1. When you are a beginner, it is best to ask a professional teacher for advice. Do not work behind closed doors to avoid detours and many bad faults. Once these faults become habits, it will be difficult to correct them in the future.

2. When practicing the piano, the whole body should be relaxed, and the arms and fingers should not be in a tense state.

3. Usually pay attention to learning music theory, often practice solfeggio, cultivate awareness of intonation, and be able to sing the score accurately before practicing each piece.

4. To cultivate imitation. Usually, when we listen to someone playing an erhu piece, we always think of the auditory impressions that the famous artist once played to judge whether his performance is good or not. If the answer is yes, it means that his imitation ability is strong, otherwise it proves that his imitation ability is weak. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to and watch the performances of others (especially famous Erhu masters), so as to obtain a good impression of pitch and rhythm in the brain.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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