The Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Zizhong Erhu Society

91 views · Organized by 线性代数 on 2022-06-24

On June 21, in Bijia Mountain, Zizhong County, Neijiang, members of Zizhong Erhu Society and music lovers gathered together to discuss the development of Erhu art.

The Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Zizhong Erhu Society

Art Discussion

At the exchange meeting, members of the Zizhong Erhu Society spoke freely, saying that since the fifth anniversary of the foundation of the society, Zizhong "erhu people" have their own spiritual home, and they regularly carry out collective activities, public welfare performances, donating erhu on campus, and public welfare teaching. social value. In the future, the Zizhong Erhu Society will further summarize experience, carry forward and inherit the national culture, continue to play the leading role of the Erhu Society's literary and artistic propaganda, and actively make new contributions to the economic development and social progress of Zizhong.

The Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Zizhong Erhu Society

listen carefully

The Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Zizhong Erhu Society

Erhu in unison

The Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Zizhong Erhu Society

Focus on performance

There were also cultural performances on the spot. The erhu concert "Bright Walk", the dance "Mother is China", the male solo "A Glass of Wine", the instrumental ensemble "Flowers and Teenagers", the military anthem "The People's Army Loyal to the Party", "Yangko Supporting the Army" and other programs were staged in sequence. Cai Chusan, a well-known musician in Zizhong, sang the solo "Neijiang of Sweet City", which brought the performance to a climax and won warm applause from the audience.

The Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Zizhong Erhu Society

Emotional singing

The Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Zizhong Erhu Society

ethnic customs

The Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Zizhong Erhu Society

moving dance

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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