The legend of the Yao nationality's monkey drum

128 views · Organized by 赵锦辛 on 2022-02-10
Once upon a time, there was an old Yao family named Bu Nu who lived beside the Pinghu River. His ancestors worked for Lord Hou for generations and suffered miserably. When it came to Bu Nu's generation, Hou Ye fought with Wan Hu Hou Ye across the river for territory. In order to win, Hou Ye had to send all his helpers to the battlefield, and those who didn't go would be slashed with a thousand swords. Bu Nu saw that Lord Hou was so vicious and could no longer wait to die here, so he secretly told the Yao brothers that there were thirty-six strategies, and running was the best strategy.
After listening to Bu Nu's words, the Yao brothers gathered together one night and fled to a place with mountains.
Bu Nu took ordinary people and fled not long before he was found out by Lord Hou. He was so angry that he wanted to personally lead the troops to catch the escaped people and cut them back with a thousand cuts. Because he was fighting with the Marquis of Wanhu and could not escape, he sued the emperor, saying that Bu Nu brought ordinary people to conspire against the South. Run away, ask the emperor to send troops to chase and suppress him. At that time, the emperor was dedicated to protecting his subordinates. After receiving the report from the Marquis, he immediately sent troops to the south to chase the fleeing Yao people. The royal soldiers chased after them all the way, and many Yao compatriots were killed by them. As for Bunu, he was a man of scheming. He escaped pursuit along the way, and led ordinary people into a mountain. This big mountain is hundreds of miles long and wide, with towering ancient trees and wild beasts. There is a cave on the top of the mountain. Seeing that this is a good place to hide, Bunu led his compatriots into the big cave and hid.

The legend of the Yao nationality's monkey drum

Bunu hid in the cave for three days before the royal soldiers caught up. They encircled in all directions, from bottom to top, getting closer and closer to the cave. Bunu saw that the soldiers were approaching and had no way to retreat. He was sighing and waiting to die when a big monkey suddenly appeared next to the mountain rock. With a group of small monkeys, he ran in front of Bunu, dancing with plush. The velvet arm, "squeaky" kept screaming. Bunu didn't understand what the monkeys were saying and ignored them. The big monkey took Bunula to the door of the rock. He looked down, and the imperial soldiers were walking towards the cave, knowing that the general situation was not good. Bu Nu had no idea at this time, so he said to the big monkey: "Brother Monkey, if you have spirituality, please do me a favor and lead the royal soldiers away. Our Yao family will never forget you."
As soon as Bunu spoke, the big monkey gave a cry, and led the group of monkeys to the back of the rock.
Not long after, the sound of bells, drums and gongs could be heard on the opposite Daling deep in the forest. The sound was strong or weak, and when the time was bad, it was ding ding dong dong, as if someone was celebrating something at the top of the mountain. At this time, the royal family was chasing Yao's generals when they heard the sound of drums and gongs coming from the top of the hill. They thought it was Bunu and the others celebrating their victory, so they shouted: "Chase. They are playing drums and dancing on that hill!"
Hearing the shout, Bunu pushed aside the leaves from the entrance of the cave to look at the top of the mountain opposite, and saw a few monkeys hitting the stalactites with stones on the rock wall, beating and jumping, very happy. The royal general, running out of breath, climbed to the top of the hill and saw that a group of monkeys were playing. They were so angry that they couldn't catch Bu Nu, so they had to catch monkeys to relieve their hatred. They pounced, the monkey ran away, they stopped, and the monkey stopped and danced towards them. After chasing and stopping like this, they ran across several mountain ridges one after another, and the monkey led the royal soldier to the mountain full of insects and snakes. The royal soldiers no longer dared to run around, so they had to retreat.
After the monkeys led away the royal pursuers, Bu Nu took the Yao brothers to live in the deep mountains and mountains. While fighting wild beasts, they open up wasteland and cultivate land. Although they are isolated from the world, their life is quiet. Later, Bu Nu remembered that the Yao family was able to live on this high mountain without being killed by the chasing royal generals, thanks to the help of the spiritual monkeys. In order to repay the kindness of the monkeys, every spring, Bu Nu chooses a day, leads the Yao brothers, prepares the three sacrificial wine ceremony, burns incense to pay homage, and asks everyone to play drums, gongs, wear monkey masks, and learn from the monkeys. Action, jumping up and down the monkey drum joyously, playing the monkey drum.
The Yao family still likes the monkey drum when they celebrate the Danu Festival, expressing their nostalgia for their ancestors and their gratitude to the monkeys.
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Involving musical instruments

The Yao nationality monkey drum (pinyin: Yáozú hóu gǔ) is a musical instrument of the Yao nationality. It is named after the accompaniment of "Monkey Drum". It is popular in the Yao ethnic area around Shanglin County in the central part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. On the Danu Festival of the Yao nationality, people collectively perform "Monkey Drumming". The high-pitched drum sound and vigorous dance steps add a warm atmosphere to the festival. For several days in a row, all night long, enjoying the party.

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Organized by 小小瞬 on 2022-02-10
Yao nationality's monkey drum, Yao nationality's drum-beating membrane musical instrument. It is named after the accompaniment of "Monkey Drum".
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