The Legendary Origin of the Bai Suona

369 views · Organized by 肖毅 on 2022-03-04

Regarding the Bai suona, there is such a poignant legend among the Bai people in Erhaiyuan: A long time ago, in a Bai village in Erhaiyuan, there lived an old mother, she had three sons, the eldest and the second could speak. , a normal person. And the third is a natural dumb. However, the mute is very smart, capable, hard-working and kind, and is very considerate and filial to his mother. The family lived very happily. But when the mute was sixteen years old, the old mother suddenly fell ill and died. The three brothers were very sad, the eldest and the second cried bitterly in front of the Lingshu, telling the mother's kindness of raising. Although the mute was sad, he could only shed tears and could not express his grief for his mother.

The Legendary Origin of the Bai Suona

After the burial of the mother, the three brothers separated their families, and the mute asked for the mother's grave, and built a thatched house on it, and often sat on the mother's grave and cried bitterly. One day when he went down the mountain to buy something, he saw a woman washing hemp skins by the ditch, putting the white hemp poles aside. When he got home, he hollowed out the hemp rod and branded several holes evenly on it, and inserted the reed whistle he liked to blow at the top end, and went to his mother's grave to play the flute like others. Thinking of the kindness of her mother's upbringing during her lifetime, now that the yin and yang are separated, I feel extremely sad in my heart, and I blew a tune unconsciously. This tone is like crying for a while, and sobbing for a while, mournful and tearful. The passers-by were moved to tears by the tune, and the birds on the tree bowed their heads in silence.

One day, the old mother Guanyin heard this sad tune, pressed down the cloud head, came to Mute, and pointed it lightly with her hand, Mute fell into a deep sleep. The old mother Guanyin turned into a mute mother, and she gave the dream to the mute. She led him to a mountain spring, pointed to the mountain spring, and pointed to a grass on the rock, and gestured: Use this water to soak the grass and eat it three times, and then you can speak. say. After saying that he was going to leave, Mute pulled his mother hard, and was pushed to the ground by his mother. He opened his eyes and saw that it was a dream. According to the scene in the dream, the mute found the mountain spring, and went to the rock to pick the grass, soaked it in the spring water and ate it three times, sweated, and was able to speak.

Because he can speak and listen, he played the tune even more movingly, and the song "Dumb Crying Mother" blew out all the grief in the hearts of the world. Later, whenever someone held a funeral, they would come to invite the mute to call the mute and cry mother", with food and a little salary, the mute's life got better day by day. If it was bad, he went to Luoping Mountain to chop a hard and delicate boxwood, made a wooden pipe, and then asked the coppersmith to make a hollow copper bowl, placed it under the wooden pipe, and inserted the original reed whistle into the bottom of the wooden pipe. Above, it becomes the suona of today. This suona has a better and more pleasant tone than the previous hemp poles.

Later, Dumb got married with a smart and kind girl from another village. On the day of the marriage, he was very excited, and he blew a happy tune. Everyone was very excited when they heard it, and felt that the tune added to the celebration. A lot of atmosphere. Therefore, whenever there is a happy event, he also invites him to play the suona. Due to the large number of people invited, he couldn't do it alone, so he gathered all the nearby Bai youths and taught them. Because blowing suona can not only express one's emotions, but also make money at that time. Therefore, among the rural youth in Erhaiyuan, there are quite a lot of people who learn to play suona, and the art of suona has developed and matured unconsciously.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Bai Suona (pinyin: bái zú suǒ nà) In every Bai village in Yunlong, there are almost folk artists who play suona. In Bai people's agricultural celebrations, weddings and funerals, folk festivals and folk activities, suona playing is an indispensable part. In different festivals, activities and different environments and ceremonies, there are strict regulations on the use of suona music.

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