The nurse raised the Allegro and residents to perform "Come Come and Collection Nuclear", calling on the citizens to cooperate with the expansion nucleic acid screening work

247 views · Organized by chen on 2022-05-06

In a dozen of bamboo boards, the two -dimensional code showed a two -meter distance, and no one would fall ... "On May 6, the collection point of the street nucleic acid collection near the Bayi Road China Railway Wuhan Bureau Group Co., Ltd. At the melodious melody of Erhu, the nurses of Central South Hospital played the Allegro and residents to perform "Quick Come to Type Nuclear acid", calling on the citizens to cooperate with the expansion nucleic acid screening work.

The nurse raised the Allegro and residents to perform

Chen Chang is a nurse at the Department of Tumor Purchase of Central South Hospital of Wuhan University. Since April 9, she has repeatedly served as a member of the Central South Hospital's "Nucleic acid Collection Small Team" and collected nucleic acids for residents of Wudie Community in Wuchang District. Since she was a child, she liked literature and fast boards, and she edited more than 200 words of more than 200 words of fast -paced allegro, "Come Come Nuclear acid". In the early morning of May 6, her "nuclear acid collection team" came to the collection point near China Railway Wuhan Bureau Group Co., Ltd. again to collect nucleic acids for more than 100 citizens. Chen Chang picked up two large bamboo boards in his right hand, holding five small bamboo boards with his left hand, and said near the collection point.

The nurse raised the Allegro and residents to perform

The 71 -year -old Mr. Su is a enthusiast of Erhu. At the invitation of the Wudie Community neighborhood committee, he sat next to Chen Chang and pulled up Erhu, and cooperated with her to perform "Come Come Come Come and Collection". The tacit performance of the two attracted many passers -by Stopping onlookers. "For more than a month, the medical staff worked hard to come to the community to collect nucleic acids. Not only did they work overtime, but also the wind and rain, I was very moved." Mr. Su said that the weather has become more and more hot recently. Even more difficult, the interpretation of Erhu with Allegro is more colorful and easy to understand, allowing more residents to understand and cooperate with the collection of nucleic acid collection of medical and community staff.

Chen Chang said that the "nucleic acid collection team" and community staff will continue to cooperate closely, hoping to remind the general public to continue to cooperate with epidemic prevention and guarding green codes through self -compiled Allegro mission, and always tighten the epidemic to prevent and control the string.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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