The "silver-haired family" in Qianjiang who realizes self-worth

113 views · Organized by 小小瞬 on 2022-03-28

There is something to learn and enjoy in old age, to learn culture and to make good friends. Nowadays, more and more elderly people are pursuing spiritual prosperity in their later years. There is such a group of people in Qianjiang University for the Elderly. Although they have gray temples or are nearly old, they are very energetic as soon as they enter the classroom. They are the "silver-haired family" in Qianjiang, and they realize their self-worth here.


On March 25, the reporter came to the Municipal University for the Elderly and heard the singing and the melodious silk and bamboo. The electronic display screen in the lobby on the first floor saw that the professional courses offered in the spring of 2022 are very rich, including "movement", such as dance. There are also "quiet", such as computer foundation, calligraphy, paper cutting, etc; there are also courses for the elderly with a certain professional foundation, such as erhu, electronic piano, photography, English, etc. Most of the courses are "Full" is displayed.


"Some popular majors, such as cucurbit flute, modeling, music, etc., have opened up to 4 classes, and the places will be filled quickly. Such as computer, guzheng, and electronic piano, one person, one machine, one person, one piano is a major. It’s hard to find.” Chen Yiyuan, vice president of the Municipal University for the Elderly, said that many students have chosen to apply for three to four courses, and this year, nearly 2,000 students have been enrolled.

When they came to the dance classroom on the third floor, a group of middle-aged and elderly people were slapping the soft ball in the cheerful dance music. Due to the large number of people and the small classroom space, the same movement had to be learned in two turns; In the afternoon, the classroom became a place for Mandarin classes... Although the conditions were limited, every student had a smile on his face.


"There is no way, the classrooms are limited, and everything that can be used is used." Chen Yiyuan said that the school is saturated every semester. In order to meet the needs of students to the greatest extent, new majors such as mobile photography have been added this year.

Li Xiangfu, 65, told reporters: "After retirement, I had nothing to do at home, so I chose to study erhu at a senior university. Taking classes here not only improved my skills, but also made some old friends. We spent time together, reminiscing about the years that passed, and we had a very happy life, much more fulfilling than staying at home."

Li Zhonghua from the cucurbit flute class praised the University for the elderly as a good platform for exchange and learning, allowing elderly friends to feel the atmosphere of "big family" here.

"Happy old age is not only about food and clothing, but also spiritual comfort is the most important thing." Chen Yiyuan said that people usually only pay attention to the living conditions of the elderly, but rarely pay attention to the spiritual needs of the elderly. After the material life is relatively abundant, the demand for spiritual and cultural life will inevitably rise rapidly.

At present, Qianjiang University for the Elderly, as the spiritual home of the elderly, is becoming the main front of cultural pension for the elderly.

"Whether it is to go to a university for the elderly or to develop their residual energy in other places, in the final analysis, it is a manifestation of the increasingly strong demand for spiritual elderly care of the elderly." Chen Yiyuan believes that at present, with the acceleration of the aging process of the population and the improvement of living standards , more and more elderly people are no longer satisfied with the monotonous, boring, and boring life style. Compared with material needs and being taken care of in life, they prefer to pursue a spiritual and cultural life that suits them with an optimistic and healthy attitude towards life. .

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Hulusi (pinyin: hú lu sī), also known as "calabash flute", is a musical instrument of ethnic minorities in Yunnan. Hulusi originated in Lianghe County, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, and is mainly popular in Dai, Achang, Wa, De'ang and Brown. The Dehong and Lincang areas in Yunnan where ethnic groups live together are rich in local colors.
Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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