The Story of Blind A Bing

302 views · Organized by 尘夕 on 2022-03-30

When we appreciate traditional classical music, we often hear the famous Erhu song "Erquan Reflecting the Moon". Known as the pinnacle of traditional music, this piece is one of the works that best represents traditional music, and has been highly praised by famous musicians at home and abroad. Surprisingly, the creator of this song is still a blind man, his name is A Bing.

A Bing is from Wuxi. Half a century later, he is still a legend in Wuxi. A Bing's life experience was very bumpy, it can be said that he has enjoyed the wealth and suffering of the world. Today, I will tell you the story of the blind Bing, and see what kind of legendary experience this music master has.

The Story of Blind A Bing

A Bing, whose real name is Hua Yanjun, was born in 1893 in the Qin family of a large family in Wuxi. His mother's name is Wu Afen, the young grandmother of the Qin family. Just under half a year of marriage, her husband died of illness. Therefore, Wu Afen became a widow at a young age. At the funeral of Wu Afen's husband, a Taoist priest named Huaqing was invited. Because of the funeral, he often went in and out of Qin's house, and when he came and went, he got along with Wu Afen, and later the two had A Bing.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Afen was a widow, but had children with other men, which was despised by people at that time. When A Bing was three years old, his mother Wu Afen was forced to commit suicide because she couldn't bear the rumors of the people. After Wu Afen died, little A Bing had no one to take care of. So A Bing was sent to the countryside by his father Huaqing and found a reliable family to raise him.

Because Huaqing was a Taoist priest and the spectator of Lei Zun Temple, he couldn't raise A Bing, so he had to give A Bing to someone else to raise him.

When A Bing was 8 years old, he was taken to the Taoist temple by his father Hua Qing and became a little Taoist boy. In the eyes of outsiders, Hua Qing and A Bing are a master-disciple relationship, but the real relationship between the two is a father-son relationship. But A Bing didn't know this, he always regarded Huaqing as his master. Because A Bing is his own son, Hua Qing put a lot of thought into cultivating A Bing. When A Bing was 18 years old, he had already become a musician, which can be said to be famous in Wuxi.

When A Bing was 21 years old, Master Hua Qing died. Hua Qing told A Bing the truth before he died, saying that he was A Bing's biological father. For this shocking news, A Bing could not accept it for a while. Because of the fact that his mother was forced to commit suicide, he had always been full of resentment towards his biological father. Affected by such a blow, A Bing's spirit was also affected.

Before Hua Qing died, he passed the Lei Zun Hall to A Bing. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the incense in the Lei Zun Hall was still very strong, and a large amount of incense money was received every year. A Bing inherited Lei Zun Hall, which is equivalent to inheriting a large amount of property. Because of the influence of his father's death, coupled with the blow of his life experience, after his father's death, A Bing started a life of lavishness. Although he is a Taoist priest, he spends all day in the fireworks field, and he also has a bad habit of smoking opium. When he was young, A Bing was young, rich and suave, so he was very popular in the land of fireworks. Those dusty women are deliberately flattering A Bing, which makes A Bing even more addicted to it and unable to extricate himself, wantonly enjoying this corrupt life.

Because of long-term indulging in the land of fireworks, A Bing's body was gradually hollowed out, and in the end he even became blind. After A Bing's eyes became blind, he became a useless blind man, and the girls in the dusty land no longer welcomed him. After being blinded, A Bing's Lei Zun Hall was also occupied by others. Since then, A Bing has become a poor and blind man, who can only rely on street performers to earn a living, but fortunately, he is self-sufficient.

From then on, A Bing became a blind A Bing. Later, under the introduction of others, he married a middle-aged widow in the countryside. The husband and wife went out to perform together, the blind man Abing pulled the erhu, and his wife was in charge of collecting the money. But at that time, life was difficult for everyone, so sometimes the money earned in one day was not enough for the two of them to eat.

It is often said that great art comes from life. Blind A Bing's rough life experience gave him inspiration to create many classic songs, such as the well-known "Erquan Reflecting the Moon" and "Listening to the Pine". But at that time, A Bing could only play on the streets, so the outside world did not know that there was such an outstanding musician on the streets of Wuxi.

Involving the artist

Hua Yanjun (August 17, 1893 to December 4, 1950), A Bing, was born in Wuxi City, a folk musician and a Taoist priest of the Taoist school. He was blind in both eyes due to eye disease. He is an outstanding folk musician in China.
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Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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