Three generations of a family who still stick to traditional skills

69 views · Organized by Susan on 2022-04-13

Three generations of a family who still stick to traditional skills

Wang Daowu, the representative inheritor of Fujian provincial-level intangible cultural heritage, is making erhu.

Threading and pulling strings... On the 20th, in the Laotianhua Musical Instrument Store located in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, the "Laotianhua Musical Instrument Making Skills" representative inheritance of Fujian provincial intangible cultural heritage Renwang Daowu is making erhu wearing a pair of reading glasses. During the production process, the powder shavings accidentally got on his right arm, and he didn't care.

"This old line of business is gradually disappearing." Wang Daowu, who is approaching the age of rare, sighed with emotion. In the old days, the traditional and authentic musical instruments used in the music performances of Fuzhou Chating Jufan were all made by Laotianhua Musical Instrument Shop. Machines are replaced, and fewer and fewer craftsmen stick to this old profession.

Three generations of a family who still stick to traditional skills

Wang Daowu (left) and his son Wang Zengxin discuss the improvement and innovation of musical instrument craftsmanship.

It is reported that, approved by the State Council in 2006, Fuzhou Chating Jufan Music was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. As a traditional musical instrument making technique, Laotianhua musical instrument making technique was included in the third batch of intangible cultural heritage list of Fujian Province in 2009.

Wang Daowu revealed that "Lao Tianhua", formerly known as "Tianhuazhai", was founded in the sixth year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1801). At that time, it was prosperous in Fuzhou, and it was well-known at home and abroad. "In the past few years, many overseas Chinese and Chinese from the United States, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries came to the store to order musical instruments."

In Laotianhua Musical Instrument Store, in addition to the tenth musical instruments such as the douguan, sanxian, Nanhu, Yehu, flute, etc., the Yueqin, Shuangqing, Liuxian, Qixian and other instruments commonly used in Fujian Opera, singing and dancing, and quyi are also among them. A wide variety of musical instruments are available.

Three generations of a family who still stick to traditional skills

Wang Daowu is making erhu.

In May 2001, Laotianhua Musical Instrument Shop was approved as "China Time-honored Brand" by China Chamber of Commerce. As the fifth-generation inheritor, Wang Daowu has always adhered to the craftsmanship of musical instruments, and has improved Fuzhou Jufan musical instruments such as dizi and Yehu to improve their timbre, intonation, and volume to a better level.

In 2006, Wang Daowu's son Wang Zengxin officially took over the business and became the new head of "Lao Tianhua". Wang Zengxin said that since he was a child, he saw the relatives of his family making musical instruments in the yard, and he fell in love with music. He learned erhu and other instrumental music from teachers who were good at musical instruments since he was a child. "Although it is not proficient, it is enough to audition for guests or correct the tone of musical instruments."

Three generations of a family who still stick to traditional skills

Wang Zengxin (left) and his daughter perform an erhu performance.

Wang Zengxin often discussed the improvement and innovation of musical instrument craftsmanship with his father. In his view, traditional musical instruments should retain individual elements to the greatest extent, and then integrate with the technology of modern musical instruments, and absorb their essence into the nutrients of traditional musical instruments.

In order to promote traditional musical instrument making skills, Wang Zengxin also joined the performance of the Chating Juban Orchestra. In 2019, he was identified as the representative inheritor of Taijiang district-level intangible cultural heritage of "Tea Pavilion Jufan Music"; in the same year, he was also identified as the representative inheritor of Fuzhou-level intangible cultural heritage of "Laotianhua Musical Instrument Production Technique".

As the inheritor of "Double Materials", Wang Zengxin is often invited to go to primary and secondary schools to provide students with traditional musical instrument training in Fuzhou.

Three generations of a family who still stick to traditional skills

Music lovers come to Laotianhua Musical Instrument Shop to study musical instruments together.

In June 2019, Laotianhua Musical Instrument Shop was set up as a training base by the art public welfare classroom of Fuzhou Mass Art Museum. Students can learn instrumental music and musical instruments at Laotianhua Musical Instrument Shop.

Wang Daowu said that he heard that Laotianhua musical instrument shops are all older "Old Fuzhou", and young people generally do not understand. Nowadays, children have the opportunity to walk into Laotianhua Musical Instrument Shop, whether it is learning musical instruments or getting to know them, it is helpful for the continuation of Laotianhua's musical instrument making skills.

Wang Zengxin also said that the inheritance and development of these intangible cultural heritage skills requires more enthusiasts to join. At present, Wang Zengxin's 11-year-old daughter Wang Yuhe has also begun to learn erhu playing and simple musical instrument making skills. Music has become the "blood" of their family, passed down from generation to generation.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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