"Xinglin Lake" -- poetry and feelings in Erhu famous songs

38 views · Organized by 沈梦溪 on 2024-08-10

"Xinglin Lake" is a famous Erhu song full of poetry and emotion. With its unique melody and profound artistic conception, it leads the audience into a world full of natural beauty and humanistic feelings. With its melodious melody and delicate expression techniques, this piece of music presents the tranquility and harmony of Xinglin Lake in front of the audience, making people feel as if they are in a beautiful picture.

1. Background and creation of songs

"By Xinglin Lake" is not a traditional Erhu piece, but a more modern piece composed by a contemporary composer. The inspiration of the song comes from the poet's Xinglin Lake, where the scenery is picturesque and the four seasons have different charm. The composer tries to capture and express the natural beauty and human feelings of Xinglin Lake through the traditional instrument Erhu, and pass on this peace and beauty to every audience.

Second, repertoire structure and performance skills

The whole song "Xinglin Lake" can be roughly divided into three parts: prelude, main body and epilogue. The prelude begins with a soft melody, as if the first rays of the morning sun were shining on the lake, awakening the sleeping earth; The main part, through the rich rhythm changes and techniques, shows the scene of the four seasons along Xinglin Lake, and the joy and harmony of people's life here; The epilogue returns to the original quiet, with a distant and deep tone to end the entire track, leaving the listener endless reverie.

In terms of playing skills, "Xinglin Lake" makes full use of erhu's glissando, trill and overtone techniques, especially the use of glissando, which can well simulate the sound of the rippling water, making the song full of flow. Trills are used to enhance the expression of the melody and make the music more vivid.

3. Artistic conception and artistic value of the repertoire

"Xinglin Lake" is not only a song describing the natural scenery, but also a work full of humanistic feelings. Through the depiction of Xinglin Lake, it expresses the yearning for a better life and the awe of nature. Every note in the music carries the composer's emotion, and every performance is an affectionate interpretation of that emotion.

4. Deduction and teaching of famous artists

Although "Xinglin Lake" is not a traditional piece with a long history, it has been performed by many famous Erhu players, each giving it a different color according to their own understanding and style. For example, Erhu master XXX (the name of the specific person should be filled in here) pays attention to the delicate expression of emotions when playing, making the music more moving.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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