Young erhu performer Ni Tong holds online public welfare exhibition "Anti-epidemic"

118 views · Organized by 迷雾风暴 on 2022-04-11

Recently, a unique erhu special performance was launched on the Internet. We all have a common wish, that is, we hope that the haze of the epidemic can dissipate as soon as possible, and our lives can return to the past calm. On this occasion, Ni Tongyan, a young erhu player born in Tianjin in November 2002, held a personal "anti-epidemic" public welfare show online in order to encourage everyone's confidence and determination to fight the epidemic.

Young erhu performer Ni Tong holds online public welfare exhibition

This special exhibition mainly includes famous erhu solos such as "Singing in Sickness", "Jianghe Yunmeng" and "Orchid Flower Ballade". As an erhu player and young art student, Ni Tongyan has performed successfully in St. Petersburg Model Theater in Russia, Budapest Cultural Center Theater in Hungary, Romanian Bucharest Grand Theater in 2017, and in Bunkyo Civic Hall in Tokyo, Japan in 2018, and the Mongolian Trade Union Cultural Palace. Experienced and outstanding young actor. In this anti-epidemic exhibition, Ni Tongyan's performance fully demonstrated the uniqueness, artistry and touching charm of Chinese folk music. This performance also brought refreshing enjoyment to online audiences and friends. Some netizens commented on his performance: "Because of the epidemic, we can't enjoy the concert offline. This classmate's personal concert has once again made us feel the charm of Chinese folk music and let everyone see it. His support for the fight against the pandemic."

Ni Tongyan said that as a student, he understands that his strength is very limited, but he also hopes that he can contribute to the anti-epidemic work. Although he cannot go to the line, he can use his own way to fight the epidemic. Work contributes. His intention was also unanimously recognized by the majority of netizens, teachers and classmates.

The epidemic is ruthless and people have feelings. In the process of people across the country working together to fight the epidemic, many anti-epidemic stories have emerged. Although they are insignificant, they are also glittering. It is these small things that condense a firm Confidence in fighting the epidemic, I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, the epidemic will eventually pass, and the sun will still be bright tomorrow.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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