Zhou Lu: Inheriting and innovating the art of erhu, so that the national music will always maintain a strong vitality

362 views · Organized by 孤勇者 on 2022-04-14

Zhou Lu is an erhu professional teacher in the Drama Department of Hunan Art Vocational College, and a national second-level performer. After more than 16 years of hard work, looking back on the past, Zhou Lu, who is a director of the Erhu Professional Committee of the Hunan Musicians Association and the deputy secretary-general of the Datong Professional Committee of the Hunan Musicians Association, has too many extraordinary things.

She said: "The two strings on the erhu have become a part of my life. Inheriting and innovating the art of the erhu, the treasure of Chinese culture, so that the national music will always maintain a strong vitality, this is what I insist on. ."

Erhu comes from the folk. It represents the aesthetic taste in our national culture and is the epitome of the essence of traditional culture and art. Walking into the classroom of Zhou Lu, an erhu teacher in the Drama Department of Hunan Vocational College of Arts, the beautiful, cheerful and melancholy sound produced by her fingers integrates "emotion" and "rhyme", and uses rich performance skills to convey interest and harmony. Shen Yun makes Erhu art education soft and warm.

Zhou Lu: Inheriting and innovating the art of erhu, so that the national music will always maintain a strong vitality

Art education needs the infiltration of artistic atmosphere

The premise of perceiving art is to meet art, and art education needs the infiltration of artistic atmosphere. As a child, Zhou Lu began to learn Erhu under the advice of her father. Later, she was admitted to the Hunan Provincial Art School. It can be said that she grew up in an environment with a strong artistic atmosphere. Slowly, from the beginning of simply learning erhu at the request, and then gradually fell in love with erhu, Zhou Lu found the charm of national musical instruments, and erhu gradually became a part of her life. After graduating from the Provincial Art School in 2002, Zhou Lu took the 2,000 yuan given to her by her mother and embarked on the road to the north for the entrance examination alone. Under the fierce competition in the entrance examination, she passed the test all the way, and finally got into the Department of Folk Music of the Chinese Opera Academy, majoring in Erhu. During the school, she also minored in Jinghu and Banhu.

After graduating from university, Zhou Lu resolutely returned to her hometown and returned to her alma mater to work. At this time, Zhou Lu not only had to continue to learn erhu by himself, but also had to master many teaching skills. He often got up at 6:00 every day, and spent a day when he was busy to practice and create together with the students. That is to say, from then on, Zhou Lu deeply felt the uniqueness and charm of music in vocational education, and devoted himself to the promotion of this aspect.

In the piano room of Hunan Vocational College of Arts, melodious music can be heard every day, sometimes it is a high-spirited piano solo, sometimes it is a lingering violin, sometimes it is a erhu with a soft gut and a hundred knots. Of course, suona, drums, shelves Drums vary. In the clean and bright room, a pair of erhus that have been wiped clean and spotless waits quietly, waiting for the moment when its owner sits down, the moment when the fingertips pluck the strings, it should be a harmonious conversation. It seems to be an old friend, and it seems to be talking about a love affair with ups and downs.

Zhou Lu: Inheriting and innovating the art of erhu, so that the national music will always maintain a strong vitality

The colorful movement of vocational education with erhura

Zhou Lu often creates an erhu performance teaching class with a unique mood, agile and graceful, tactful and ups and downs, clean and exciting. She believes that erhu is not only to express desolate and desolate emotions, or to express the traditional impression of folk joy scenes. Erhu should remove the pronoun of desolation and sadness, and make this ancient musical instrument more diverse and shining with modern light. Therefore, while inheriting the excellent traditional culture, Zhou Lu also grasps the pulse of the times in teaching, so that the teaching art of erhu performance will develop in the new century. They like erhu and traditional music, try to instill them, and make erhu playing their mission, I think this is the purpose of vocational education.”

There is no conflict between being a teacher and performing on stage. After becoming a teacher, the stage is still Zhou Lu's love, so she often participates in some large-scale concerts with Chinese orchestras. In 2015 and 2017, he successfully held the "Zhou Lu Solo Concert" at the Wuhan Conservatory of Music, and in the 2016 National Vocational College Opera Performance Skills Competition, he acted as the main Hu performance; "Yun Sanxiang", Hunan Province's elegant art entering the campus, the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" series of performances organized by the Department of Culture, the provincial art fund performance, etc., as an erhu performer; was invited to represent the Hunan Provincial Youth Art Troupe to participate in international folk art in Greece. Festival national tour, went to Australia to participate in the "Queensland" Arts Festival performances. Since 2006, she has actively participated in social practice, performing hundreds of performances, both large and small, busy and happy.

Zhou Lu has a wealth of stage performance experience, and now she also has a wealth of teaching experience. During the course of the class, Zhou Lu saw many problems, and she also used her performance experience and professional knowledge to help students to play better. In the national and provincial competitions, Zhou Lu's students have won countless honors for their difficult skills. She guided her students to participate in the 4th International Chinese National Instrumental Music Competition (Singapore), and won the Erhu Group Gold Award and Silver Award; participated in the Hunan Provincial Art Rising Star Competition and won the Erhu Group Gold Award; participated in the "Dongting Cup" National Instrumental Music Competition and won the Erhu Group Gold Award, Silver Award; participated in the Hunan Youth Culture and Art Festival, won the first and second prizes for many times; participated in the city's "Three Independence" competition and won the first prize many times. She herself has won the "Excellent Guidance Award" in the competition many times.

While constantly excavating, daring to explore, and using new techniques and techniques, he highly respects the development law of art, integrates traditions with them, and truly achieves new but not strange, deep but not mysterious. In recent years, she has written more than 10 papers, such as "The Application of Erhu in Huagu Opera", "Thinking about Inheriting and Developing Hunan Opera Art", and "Research on Solfeggio in Erhu Teaching", which have been published in publications above the provincial level. published. In 2018, her "Erhu Performance Tutorial" was published in Wuhan University Press; in 2021, her "Music Teaching Theory and Practice Research" was published in Yanbian University Press.

Both the stage and the podium have become a life that she cannot give up. "What I want to go back to is the time when I was studying. Looking back on the days when I was learning the piano, I always feel that I wasted a lot of time. If there is a time machine, I want to go back to the time when I was learning the piano, I will definitely In 2014, while taking care of the teaching work in the college, she was admitted to the Folk Music Department of Wuhan Conservatory of Music and studied for a three-year Master of Fine Arts. Work and study together.

Zhou Lu: Inheriting and innovating the art of erhu, so that the national music will always maintain a strong vitality

Using erhu to play the "world" of teachers and students

Many students trained by Zhou Lu have been admitted to the art departments of the China Conservatory of Music, the China Academy of Drama, the Wuhan Conservatory of Music, the Xinghai Conservatory of Music and key undergraduate comprehensive universities. Some of the graduates enter the Huagu Theater of Hunan Province, Hunan Province Xiang Theater, Changsha Huagu Theater, Changsha Xiang Theater, and local theater troupes in the province as performers; some work as teachers in primary and secondary schools or colleges; some are independent Start a music training school. Many students who came out of the countryside changed the fate of the whole family because they met Zhou Lu. They fell in love with folk music and erhu, and she was also admonishing the students with practical actions: "The piano in your hand is easy to grasp. It has to be a lifetime."

"I think Teacher Zhou not only taught us how to play the erhu, but more importantly, she is using her power to build us a world that belongs to our teachers and students, where there are our piano practice footprints and our dreams, There is our friendship," said student Hu Xinyu (now studying at the China Conservatory of Music).

Zhou Lu said: "It makes me feel very good to be engaged in music teaching. I feel that I am a very lucky person. The experiences from childhood to adulthood, the teachers and friends I met on the way up have all helped me a lot, including me My current job and my family make me feel very lucky, so I face everything with gratitude."

In the school, she is a professional teacher and a part-time head teacher; she is the competition tutor for the students, and she is also the "master" of the students. Zhou Lu perfectly interprets the common pursuit of "truth and beauty" in ideology, politics and art.

When she first started working as a class teacher, her first difficulty was the change of identity. With a passion for work, she immediately became familiar with all the details of teaching, academic affairs, scientific research, courses, etc. Rewarding her with excellent grades, she recorded her teaching gains in writing and became a "Zhou Lu effect" that she took root in vocational education. Hugo once said: "Music expresses something that cannot be described in words, but it is impossible to keep silent about it." In Zhou Lu's heart, there is always a dream burning, whether it is the demonstration over and over again in the classroom, or the elegance The erhu solo "Erquan Reflecting the Moon" or "New Horse Racing" on Zhitang is a perfect presentation of Zhou Lu's life experience, and it is also the best interpretation of her enrichment in her life due to her professional music teaching.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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