400 Years of Guqin "Dust Leisure" Appears Yichang's First Daming Guqin Authentic Exhibition

141 views · Organized by 关谷奇迹 on 2022-08-08

On August 5th, "Ancient Voices, A Wonderful Song - The Original Daming Guqin Exhibition" was officially launched in Yichang Center, Zichen House.

400 Years of Guqin

This Guqin Exhibition is jointly launched by Yichang Center, Zichen House and Suxin Qin Club. Leisure" and more than a dozen ancient wooden and old pianos restored from ancient books. Among them, the Daming Guqin "Chen Xian", which was exhibited for the first time in Yi, was used by the philosopher Luo Rufang of the Ming Dynasty. Luo Rufang studied under Yan Jun, was the third disciple of Wang Yangming, the mentor of Tang Xianzu, a famous philosopher, educator, writer and poet in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. The word "Chen Xian" comes from the name of the qin in official script on the Longchi on the bottom of the qin. The qin has a belly inscription "Wanli Jimao System" (that is, the seventh year of Wanli), which has a history of 443 years.

This "Daming Guqin Authentic Exhibition" invited Li Meiyu, the founder of Suxin Qin Society and the winner of the Guzheng Gold Award of the World Chinese Art Competition, to play the piano on stage. Li Meiyu introduced that in recent years, there are more and more Guqin enthusiasts in Yichang, ranging in age from 5 years old to over 70. "We also often hold guqin elegant gathering activities from time to time, entering the campus, the community, and the enterprise. More people can feel the subtlety of traditional culture. The purpose of this event is to inherit and develop the traditional culture of guqin, so that more people can understand and witness the long history of guqin culture.”

400 Years of Guqin

The relevant person in charge of the event organizer told reporters that the original intention of this event was to provide an opportunity for the vast number of guqin lovers in Yichang to get close to old and famous qin, and to promote the intangible cultural heritage of guqin culture. The exhibition will last until August 31.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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