Bamboo sound on campus

77 views · Organized by 未知领地 on 2022-03-09
"Open, close, open and close..." On March 1, the crisp bamboo pole percussion accompanied the children's slogans one after another. The playground of Shuanggou Town National Primary School was very lively. This is the school's big lesson. A corner of the activity - the bamboo pole dance activity area.

Bamboo sound on campus

Bamboo sound on campus

In order to consolidate the awareness of the community of the Chinese nation and create a good atmosphere for the unity of all ethnic groups, Shuanggou Town National Primary School organized students to dance the bamboo pole dance with traditional characteristics, allowing the bamboo pole dance to enter the big class and into the physical education class to enrich the campus sports activities. Whenever it is time for large-scale activities, the students jump happily in the sonorous and powerful beating. Bamboo dance has become a different kind of scenery on campus.
The students expressed that the bamboo pole dance not only exercised the body, but also strengthened the communication, interaction and sense of unity and cooperation among the students, and made them feel the charm of minority culture.

Involving musical instruments

Bamboo poles (pinyin: zhú gàng) are musical instruments of the Jing people. It is popular in Wanwei, Shanxin, Wutou and other places in Fangcheng County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It consists of a pillow bar and a striker bar. There are two pillow bars, mostly made of nanzhu. The bars are about 300 cm long and 9 cm to 10 cm in diameter. The eight strike bars are also made of hard bamboo. The length of the bars is about 340 cm and the diameter of the bars is 4 cm to 5 cm.

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