Beginners learn how to use the erhu bow

170 views · Organized by 凉凉月色 on 2022-06-06

When erhu uses the bow, it is necessary to consciously stretch the fingers, combine work and rest, and use the strength on the idea. To do this, it is necessary to clarify the role of each finger and each link on the bow.

Beginners learn how to use the erhu bow

1. When playing the outer strings, the thumb is forced forward and downward, the index finger is used as a reaction force and the force is upward. The function of the index finger is to adjust and control the strength of the thumb. For example, when playing a fast and strong longbow, in addition to the arm running fast and In addition to driving other links, the strength of the thumb should be appropriately increased, and the index finger should be adjusted accordingly; when playing a slow and weak longbow, the bow speed driven by the arm should be slowed down, and the pressure of the thumb should be reduced. At the same time, the index finger acts as a reaction force. Upward strength is reduced. The strength of the index finger should not exceed the strength of the thumb in both strong and weak bows.

With the change of the position of the bow, the strength of the thumb and index finger should be adjusted according to the strength. The middle finger is used as the strength of the auxiliary rib. When playing the external strings, use the outside of the finger to push the bow rod. When bowing, the index finger has an auxiliary role in moving the bow.

2. When playing the inner string, the middle finger and ring finger simultaneously exert force inward to control the ponytail, and the metacarpal joint of the index finger acts as a reaction force to adjust the force. The inside of the index finger is attached to the bow rod, and the thumb is placed flat on the bow rod and the ponytail as an auxiliary force. Changes in the bow parts, adjust the strength of the fingers.

3. No matter playing the inner string or the outer string, the thumb should not squeeze the bow rod tightly, otherwise it will not only cause artificial tension in holding the bow, but also will inevitably lead to stiffness of the wrist joint, so that the arm strength cannot be transmitted to the wrist and fingers smoothly, resulting in Improper way of playing.

4. When playing the outer strings, the force of the hand on the bow rod is inclined outward and downward, and the pressure of the ponytail on the strings is the same. Try to avoid the bow rod being too lower than the ponytail, which will not only cause the bow rod to rub the piano barrel. The noise and the excessively low pressure of the thumb will inevitably cause the wrong hand shape to raise the wrist, which directly affects the normal movement of the wrist in the left and right directions.

5. When playing the chord, the force of the hand on the bow rod is inclined inward and upward, and the pressure of the ponytail on the string is inclined inward and downward. Only when the bow rod is diagonally above the ponytail, there is a natural downward pressure. Hold the bow When playing, you should try to avoid raising the index finger and slumping the wrist. This type of hand increases the tension of the wrist and fingers. When playing fast string changes, it is easy to cause the shape of the wrist to change too much, which brings technical difficulties. (Note: Personal opinion: The ponytail of the second "thumb flat on the bow shaft and the ponytail" should be compared to the old-fashioned bow without a rubber sleeve used by the old man.)

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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