
Organized by 年糕 on 2022-04-07
Pipa is mainly composed of dozens of wood and other parts, all of which are glued together, so the storage can neither be too wet nor too dry. Do not put it near the radiator in the northern winter.
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Organized by 袁城 on 2022-04-01
To prevent playing the guqin, you need to change the position of the fingernails and press the strings. Do not grind the fine meat under the nails. Also pay attention not to grind blisters. It is best to stop immediately when the blisters are about to bubble. Put a thin layer of adhesive tape on the part where you press the strings, remove it when you are not practicing, and stick it again when you are practicing.
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Organized by 棠舟 on 2022-03-31
Musical instruments, especially wooden instruments, such as pipa, guzheng, erhu, etc., are prone to cracking and cracking when exposed to moisture, and even directly affect the timbre of the qin. So, in wet weather, how do we take care of our instruments?
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Organized by 未知领地 on 2022-03-22
The common sense of guzheng string maintenance in Guzheng maintenance is sorted out here for your reference, whether you are using the big-name Guzheng Dunhuang, Dingyun, Hongsheng, Dongyun, Longfeng, etc., or other brands are applicable.
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Organized by 左树 on 2022-03-22
After the guzheng is bought home, it is of course indispensable to maintain it. If the guzheng is not well maintained, our valuable guzheng will crack, which will affect both the appearance and the sound.
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Organized by 小埋 on 2022-03-22
There are eight maintenance methods for the national musical instrument Pipa, which will be introduced next.
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Organized by 风月呢喃 on 2022-03-18
Pipa, a traditional Chinese plucked musical instrument, has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is called "the king of folk music", "the king of plucked instruments" and "the first plucked musical instrument" by Fredo. It is a plucked stringed musical instrument. Today, I will give you four methods of how to maintain the pipa. I hope it will be helpful to you.
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Organized by ky on 2022-02-26
Guqin is really expensive nowadays, so we should pay attention to daily maintenance. In fact, a qualified guqin is generally very "strong" unless it is in an extremely harsh environment. However, this proper maintenance is still necessary. I won't say much about the basics. I don't think anyone will not love the piano so much that she will be sleeping in the wind, exposed to the sun, suddenly cold, bumpy, oily, or dusty.
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Organized by 拙 on 2022-02-24
When you buy a guzheng, you will bring a box of moisturizing cream with the guzheng. You can tell from the name that this is for moisturizing the guzheng. I believe that those who know the guzheng know that if the guzheng is not well maintained, it will crack. Of course, it is normal for the guzheng to crack. I will briefly explain why and how to moisturize the guzheng.
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Organized by 华夫饼 on 2022-02-24
Guqin is really expensive nowadays, so we should pay attention to daily maintenance. In fact, a qualified guqin is generally very "strong" unless it is in an extremely harsh environment. However, this proper maintenance is still necessary.
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