Choice of Erhu Qin Bow

829 views · Organized by 象牙山首富 on 2022-05-20

As for how often to change the bow, you can of course feel free. My personal suggestion is: if you are an enthusiast and can practice the piano every day, you can consider changing the bow for more than half a year. . The following is an introduction to other knowledge and choices of erhu bow.

Choice of Erhu Qin Bow

1. About the bow length

The length range of the current erhu bow is generally 82cm-86cm, and the adult standard bow is generally 84cm. Regarding the lengthening of the erhu bow, I would like to share with you a quote from the international erhu master Gao Shaoqing, hoping to inspire you: "The bow should be tailored to the person. However, as long as it is used properly, it is a good bow. Looking around, I found that the erhu bow is getting longer and longer, it must be to stretch the bow to produce a fuller and thicker tone. However, when the bow is lengthened, the weight of the bow also varies. If it increases, the bow of the same hardness will become soft because the bow is too long. The long bow can be drawn thick, but it is not fast enough, the elasticity is insufficient, and the end of the bow is difficult to draw. Refer to the violin and cello bows, and find that they are not long. A great player can stretch the pitch with a short bow. So, everything has its versatility.”

2. About the radian

A good erhu bow should have a reasonable camber. To put it more simply, the bow should be in its natural state, the distance between the bow shaft and the bow hair in the middle part should not be too far or too close, too large curvature is difficult to control, and too small curvature will affect the fingers. Flexibility and proper camber can bring out the best elasticity when playing.

The camber of the bow tip and the bow grip is generally a little larger, the purpose is to increase the effective bow length, and the bow shank camber at the bow grip is appropriately smaller, which can make the bow more comfortable and natural, and the string change is also dexterous and labor-saving .

3. How to choose the bow that suits you

The styles of erhu bows can be divided into power type and dexterity type. If you are an adult beginner, I suggest that you choose a bow with a slightly thicker diameter, so that it will be more stable when you move the bow, but it should not be too thick, otherwise the inertia of the bow will be large, it is difficult to control, and it is easy to produce noise; if You are at a high level and often use skills such as throwing and jumping. You can choose a bow with a slightly lighter shaft, that is, a dexterous bow. This kind of bow is more flexible and light to use, but there is one thing that a dexterous bow needs You must have good control, otherwise you may feel light and unsteady. Of course, the important thing is your personal touch and habits.

When choosing a bow, in addition to looking at the quality of the bow hair and feeling the hardness, I usually use the bow-holding posture, the middle finger and the ring finger to support the wide bow shaft and bow hair, and initially feel the elasticity of the bow to choose what I think is good. After the new bow has been rubbed with rosin, it is necessary to try the bow. Generally, you can use a strong bow and a weak bow to try to pull, pull a few strong bows, make the sound with all your strength, and see if the bow can eat and live, and whether it is useful. Break the sound; use a very light force to move the bow, and feel whether the sound made has any charm. The so-called "strong bow can hold strength, weak bow can retain sound", an excellent bow should be naturally balanced, the root of the bow does not feel awkward, and the tip of the bow does not feel floating.

Identifying erhu bows is not a very esoteric thing. Most amateurs can do it. Although we are not experts, at least two bows with the same appearance will allow you to identify them. You can know which is the best bow. enough.

4. About cleaning bow hair

Some Hu friends have the habit of cleaning their bow hairs. In fact, I don’t think it is necessary. Most professional erhu players don’t do this. The reason is very simple, because after washing the bow hairs, the hair scales will be damaged, and the friction will of course be reduced. Great discount. Everyday we pay attention not to touch the ponytail with our hands, try not to get oil on it, and keep the bow hair naturally clean.

5. how often to change the bow

The principle of the bow and the strings is the same. They don’t need to be replaced until they are damaged. Some Hu friends even think that the bow hair is almost lost before replacing it. In fact, this is not true. There are scales on the bow hair. Like barbs, long-term friction will cause damage. After a long time, it will become almost smooth. Of course, there will be no friction. In addition, the bow hair will naturally break during performance. , there is no way to play a thick and delicate tone.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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