Does Erhu have to start in elementary school?

157 views · Organized by 夜夜 on 2022-06-13

Erhu is one of the bowed stringed instruments in our national musical instruments. It mainly uses the bow hair to rub back and forth on the strings to vibrate the piano tube to produce sound. It began in the Tang Dynasty, and it was not widely spread among the people until the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In previous eras, it was called "Huqin". In modern times, it was renamed Erhu.

Many elderly friends prefer Erhu, because Erhu not only has a beautiful sound, but also requires the cooperation of the left and right hands and the brain, which is very good for coordinating the hands and exercising the brain. You can also entertain your body and mind and maintain a positive attitude. I often play and sing with my circle friends who love music. It is also an enrichment for old age. There are more elderly friends who study naturally.

Learning erhu really wants to achieve a career, does it really mean to start elementary school if you have some academic attainments? Is child power really important? Erhu should be the most difficult of all folk music to learn. Learning erhu is also a boring thing. As the saying goes: "Three minutes on stage, ten years off stage." The swaying performance on stage was melodious at that time, small bridges flowing water, sometimes passionate and horseshoes flying. Running, dusty, sometimes lingering, Feifei measured. These are the accumulation of time and effort.

Seinfeld is familiar to everyone. She is a famous erhu player. China's "Queen of Folk Music". At the age of 7, she began to practice erhu with her father Song Guosheng. His father was a professor at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music and an erhu player. It is even more strict for her to practice erhu. In middle school, she often participated in various folk music competitions across the country and won many awards. It was his father's strict requirements, his diligence, studious and hard work that laid a solid foundation for the future development of his career.

Yu Hongmei, erhu performer, master student of the Central Conservatory of Music, professor, guest soloist of the Central Chinese Orchestra. At the age of 8, he began to study with Min Guoan, a famous erhu performer from the Jinan Military Region Avant-garde Song and Dance Troupe. He has won the first prize of Shandong Youth Competition for two consecutive years. At the age of 12, at the "Autumn in Spring City" concert, her performance of "One Flower" aroused widespread attention in the music industry, and was interviewed by TV stations and newspapers. At the age of 13, he was admitted to the high school attached to the Central Conservatory of Music, and studied erhu with the famous erhu performer Zhang Shao.

These masters and performers who have achieved dazzling achievements have all started to learn erhu since childhood. It seems that Tongzi Gong is indispensable, and it is still very important to learn Erhu Tongzi Gong. Of course, these are also based on the willingness of children to learn, and parents should also supervise them a lot, and then learn in the correct way, otherwise, just forcing children to learn and causing rebellious psychology will only be twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, the above are all personal opinions. It is never too late to learn something like erhu. As for what success is or what everyone wants to achieve by learning erhu, you just need to move forward with your own goals. But, no matter when you take action, I believe you are the one who succeeds.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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