Dream Back to Jiangnan: The musical journey of Erhu famous song "Sweet Dream"

40 views · Organized by 碍与暧 on 2024-07-28

In the vast sky of Chinese traditional music, Erhu, with its unique timbre and affectionate melody, is like a bright pearl, illuminating every music-loving soul. "Sweet Dream" as a classic Erhu repertoire, not only shows the outstanding charm of the instrument itself, but also a musical poem that can let people immerse in a sweet dream. This piece of music with melodious melody Outlines a warm and quiet picture, as if leading the audience through time and space, into a world full of poetry and dreams.

Dream Back to Jiangnan: The musical journey of Erhu famous song

Track background

Sweet Dream was composed by Mr. Chen Yaoxing, a contemporary outstanding Erhu performer and a disciple of the famous composer Liu Tianhua. This piece skillfully integrates the charm of traditional Chinese music and the expression technique of modern music, not only retains the traditional style of Erhu, but also infuses new musical elements, making it a classic across The Times. The creative inspiration of "Sweet Dream" comes from the delicate observation and deep perception of life, and every note flows with the author's yearning for a better life and nostalgia for happy moments.

Artistic characteristics

The beauty of melody: The melody lines of "Sweet Dream" are smooth and rich in layers, sometimes jumping lightly, like children's laughter; Sometimes low and graceful, like the whisper of the night, perfectly interprets the mood of the word "sweet dream".

Performance skills: A large number of unique Erhu techniques such as glissando, trill and overtone are used in the song, which makes the music more vivid and lively, and also tests the skill and emotional grasp of the performer.

Emotional expression: "Sweet Dream" is not only a musical performance, but also a kind of emotional expression. It can touch the softest part of the heart, allowing people to find a moment of peace and comfort in their busy lives.

Key points of appreciation

Music language: Listening carefully to "Sweet Dream", you can feel the rich emotions contained in the music, as if each melody is telling a story, leading the audience into a sweet and dreamy music world.

Cultural symbol: "Sweet Dream" is not only a piece of music, it also carries profound Chinese cultural heritage, reflecting the Chinese people's cherish and yearning for family, affection, friendship and even love.

Artistic innovation: On the basis of retaining the traditional essence, Sweet Dream boldly tries new playing techniques and musical arrangement, showing the infinite possibilities of Erhu music, and opening up the way for the modernization of traditional music.

As the gem of Erhu music, "Sweet Dream" is not only a audio-visual feast, but also a spiritual baptism. With its beautiful melody and profound emotion, it arouses people's yearning for a better life and inspires endless exploration of art. Every time you listen to "Sweet Dream", it is like a dialogue with your own soul, so that people can find a quiet place in the noisy world and enjoy the "sweet dream" of their own.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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