dulcimer playing skills

84 views · Organized by 雾凇 on 2022-05-06

Single bamboo technique: It refers to the playing of the piano and bamboo on a single tone. Wheel Bamboo Skills: The so-called Wheel Bamboo usually refers to wheel sound, wheel beat, roll beat, and wheel, which refers to one hand or two hands using the piano and bamboo to make dense, even and continuous sounds in turn on one note or several notes. And the coherent rotation gives people a feeling of continuation.

Single Bamboo Technique: First, the hands are in a relaxed state of half-clenched fists, with the palms facing each other. Secondly, the holding point of the bamboo should be placed at one-fifth of the full length of the bamboo, that is, the holding point should be placed at the first joint of the index finger, the thumb should be pressed on the holding point in a natural state, and the tail of the bamboo should be Stick it on the belly of the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger are in a natural bending state, so that the qin bamboo is held firmly in the hand. Second in the single bamboo technique, you should master the method of hitting the strings. The hammering process of the dulcimer is also the process of the whole arm movement, which relies on the overall cooperation of these movement organs from the shoulder joint to the bamboo-holding points of the fingers to complete the hammering.

1. Monophonic single bamboo: refers to the single-handed playing of the piano and bamboo on a single note. Monophonic is an important part of musical language. When playing, we can try to play a single tone in four different forms: long, short, strong and weak to practice repeatedly. In this way, you can not only feel the strength of the strings, but also consciously relax your arms.

2. Monophonic double bamboo: It means that each hand holds a piano and bamboo in order to play alternately and in turn on the monophonic. When playing, the cooperation of both hands should be coordinated, the speed should be relatively uniform, and the strength should be uniform and uniform.

dulcimer playing skills

Wheel Bamboo Skills: The so-called Wheel Bamboo usually refers to wheel sound, wheel beat, roll beat, and wheel, which refers to one hand or two hands using the piano and bamboo to make dense, even and continuous sounds in turn on one note or several notes. And the coherent rotation gives people a feeling of continuation. Wheel bamboo is mainly completed through the cooperation of shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists and fingers under the premise of natural relaxation.

1. Single Bamboo Wheel: It refers to the intensive, even and coherent playing of one tone or multiple sounds with the left or right hand using a bamboo bamboo. The practice of single bamboo wheel is to lay the foundation for double bamboo wheel. Players can unify the rhythm, volume, timbre and strength of the left and right hands through slow practice, so as to achieve the best effect of round bamboo.

2. Double Bamboo Wheel: It refers to the rapid alternating rotation of double bamboo on one or several notes. It is a very common technique used in wheel sound techniques. Double bamboo can be divided into three types: single-tone bamboo, double-tone bamboo and continuous bamboo.

Monophonic Wheel Bamboo: It refers to the rapid alternating rotation of two bamboos in turn on a single tone. The monophonic wheel bamboo requires that the left and right hands should be coordinated when the wheel is rotated, and the rhythm, strength and timbre should be unified. When practicing the monophonic wheel bamboo, the speed can be slow first, then fast, and the strength is first weak and then strong, so as to achieve the best effect of wheel bamboo.

Double-tone round bamboo: refers to the double-tone bamboo that rotates rapidly and alternately on two tones at the same time. Since the two-tone wheel bamboo makes rapid alternate rotation on the two tones, it is required that the wheel bamboo process cannot be interrupted, and at the same time, the unity of the strength and timbre of the two tones must be maintained. Two-tone round bamboo plays an important role in the technique of dulcimer playing.

Continuous round: that is, continuous round bamboo, which refers to the rapid alternating rotation of double bamboo in one section or even more than a few sections. It is suitable to appear in the soulful and beautiful tunes. It requires the player to make the strength of both hands evenly and uniformly, so that the primary and secondary are distinct and there are ups and downs. When Lian Lun interleaves the phonemes, try to make the alternate two tones coherent and compact, and the smaller the gap, the better. The basic requirements are: the player should move quickly when playing legato, and maintain the best coherence of the phrase.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Yangqin (Pinyin: YangQin) was introduced from Persia at the end of the Ming Dynasty. It was originally used as an accompaniment for folk art and formed a variety of genres. After nearly 400 years of circulation and evolution in my country, dulcimer has traditional Chinese characteristics and national styles in musical instrument production, performance art or music creation, and combined with local folk music, it has formed a number of outstanding A genre with local and musical characteristics.

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