Precipitation of the vast history Eagle dance on the Pamirs

149 views · Organized by 辞惘 on 2022-03-11

The intangible cultural heritage passed down by word of mouth is the precipitation of the vast history, the imprint engraved by the years, and the precious wealth left by human beings. Together with the material cultural heritage, it constitutes a colorful human world.

The Tajiks are an ancient ethnic group in China. They mainly live in Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County in Xinjiang, and the rest are distributed in Shache, Yecheng, Zepu and other counties to the east of the county.

The harsh natural environment of the Pamirs has shaped the indomitable will and the indomitable national spirit of the Tajik nation, and gradually formed the special aesthetic pursuit of the Tajik nation. They regard eagles as strong men and heroes, and spread folk songs and legends about eagles in the folk.

Precipitation of the vast history Eagle dance on the Pamirs

Precipitation of the vast history Eagle dance on the Pamirs

Precipitation of the vast history Eagle dance on the Pamirs

The Eagle Dance is composed of two parts, the dance and the tune of the Eagle Flute. Eagle dance is a folk dance, and the tune of the eagle flute is also a tune handed down from the folk. Through the dance movements and the tune of different eagle flutes, it reflects the pursuit of a better life by the Tajiks, and at the same time, it also reflects the love life of young men and women.

The movements of the eagle dance and the tune of the eagle flute are very beautiful and distinctive, and are unique among the folk dances in Xinjiang. The Tajik eagle dance is a traditional folk dance of the Tajik people. During festivals and happy events, the Tajiks all dance the eagle dance to express their joy.

The eagle dance does not have strict requirements on the venue. It can be danced on the stage, on the field, or at home. As long as it is accompanied by eagle flutes and tambourines, Tajiks can dance gracefully. The Tajik eagle dance expresses rich emotions through the movements of the dancer's hands, feet, eyes and whole body.

The formation of the characteristics of Tajik dance is inseparable from the accompaniment instruments and their unique playing methods. Eagle flute, tambourine, labafu (rewafu), blanzikum, and Tajik-style Aegean are all widely used folk instruments. . The main forms of Tajik eagle dances are "Qafusuzi", "Mailisi", "Lapuyi" and so on.

"Chavsuzi" means "fast and skilled" in Tajik language, it refers to both rhythm and improvisation and a competitive dance form, representing the unique style of Tajik dance.

Precipitation of the vast history Eagle dance on the Pamirs

The performance is mainly due to the duet dance, the form is lively, the dancers can advance and retreat freely, two or three groups can dance together, and men and women can also dance together. During the performance, one man usually invites another man to dance with them. The two slowly spread their arms and slowly advance along the edge of the venue, like two eagles soaring in circles; then the rhythm becomes faster, and the two chase each other and play, and suddenly their shoulders and backs are close to each other. Seeing, walking quickly, and jumping apart suddenly, like an eagle rising and falling, twisting and spinning from low to high, skyrocketing, and finally the dance ends in a competitive spin. These dynamic performances are obviously the remains and sublimation of the Western Music and Dance "Hu Xuan Dance" and "Hu Teng Dance" skills.

Precipitation of the vast history Eagle dance on the Pamirs

"Mailisi" means "specific rhythm". It is a self-entertainment dance with folk music accompaniment or folk song accompaniment. It is also often used to perform traditional story folk songs. It features continuous rotation in place, and women especially like it.

"La Puyi" is a specific dance form with only one Rewafu accompaniment in the family. Sometimes it is also performed outdoors. The accompaniment is mostly Chafusuzi's tune. The accompanist can also dance while playing. The dance moves are free and light. , the highly skilled performers can play and dance by placing the Rewafu on their shoulders.

The Tajik eagle dance has high social and educational value, and is a valuable resource for traditional Chinese sports. This traditional sports activity has become an indispensable form of fitness for the Tajik people during festivals and work. .

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Eagle flute (pinyin: yīng dí), named after the eagle’s wing bones, is also known as bone flute, eagle bone flute, or jerk. There are two kinds of eagle flutes, one is Tibetan eagle flute, and the other is Tajik eagle flute, which is often used for solo.

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"The skill of playing the eagle flute has been included in the list of intangible cultural heritage at the autonomous region level. There are inheritors of the old, middle and young generations, realizing intergenerational inheritance. Currently, there are Tibet University Art College, Tibet Autonomous Region Song and Dance Troupe, and Jiali County Art Troupe. Three training bases."
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Eagle flute, named after the eagle's wing bones, is also known as bone flute, eagle bone flute, and jerk. There are two kinds of eagle flutes, one is Tibetan eagle flute, and the other is Tajik eagle flute, which is often used for solo. About Eagle Flute, let's start with a tragic story.
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