Eight Ways of Playing Erhu

139 views · Organized by vespa on 2022-06-06

One said: "Posture". The posture, the manner of playing, the method of holding the qin. The posture moves with the song, the posture is harmonious, there are gestures in the song, and the posture moves like a song. The method of holding the qin is generally the two postures of flat and folded legs; no matter what kind of posture, the head must be upright and the body must be straight, and the feet must be on the ground, like a bell and a pine, and must not be skewed. The qin is placed at the base of the left leg, and the left arm and the body naturally hang vertically. The tiger's mouth supports the qin. The right hand holds the bow, the shoulders, arms, wrists, and fingers are connected, and the waist is the source of power, which is successively affected. The bow is unrestrained and generous, and the range of motion is moderately wide and narrow. The left and right arms are in harmony, the body is centered, and the posture is free and easy.

Eight Ways of Playing Erhu

The second said: "Loose". It's called relaxation. If you want the relaxation of playing the piano, you must first obtain psychological relaxation. At the beginning of playing the qin, one should never worry about concentrating, be indifferent to tranquility, and abandon distracting thoughts, like being in the middle of green mountains and valleys, streams and birdsong. Think about the meaning of the music in your heart, and associate the imagery in the music. God is leisurely and calm, completely intoxicated. The song is like gurgling water, emerging in the brain. In this way, it can lead to a calm mood, a peaceful breath, and a psychological relaxation. Mental relaxation will inevitably lead to muscle relaxation. When playing the piano, it can be heavy but not stiff, fast but not continuous, slow and fast, and hardness and softness complement each other. Press the strings and move the bow to get the heart, and the hand to respond. Therefore, the relaxation of the piano has always been valued by piano players.

The third is "Qi". Breathing is smooth, unobstructed and unobstructed, depending on the luck of the music, calm and revolving, the body and the body are completely consistent, the music can be played with clear chapters and sentences, smooth and gorgeous, full of wonderful sounds, and unlimited interest. As the saying goes: practitioners of martial arts "practice the muscles and skin outside, and practice the breath inside". Words and qi need to be practiced and then acquired. Although this qi is not the same as the qi discussed, it is widely discussed by people to have a good qi when trying to play the qin. Most of them are famous masters, all of them are free-spirited and gas-filled. The music played has a beautiful rhythm and touching heart, which is all related to the smoothness of the breath. The method of practicing qi should make the qi sink to the dantian, exhale and inhale slowly and calmly, avoid the rise of qi, stay in the chest, stagnant qi in a hurry, and the rhythm rate varies. The slow song should be long and not short, the fast song should be slow and not fast, and the nose and mouth should be slightly exhaled and inhaled, and naturally there are knots. Depending on the song, the air changes, and the sound changes. Practice for a long time, use it freely. If you adjust your anger well, you will find it interesting.

The fourth said: "Festival". Rhythm, the so-called rigid. The curved eyes are like the bones of the human body and the pillars of a building. The rhythm is steady and the rhythm is right, the music will be ups and downs, cadence and rhythm. Slow has adagio, fast has allegro. As the saying goes: "slow and continuous, fast but not chaotic", it is all restricted by the rhythm. Leaving Banyan, the tune will not become a tune, and the tune will not be the tune. The board eye is not correct, the song is not correct, and the image in the song is not correct. Therefore, it is particularly important to cultivate the habit of being accurate. The key to the rhythm is the sense of rhythm in the heart. The heart is not confused but the shape does not move. Let the inner rhythm be complex and changeable, but the inner rhythm is not disordered and evenly maintained, the music will be orderly, clear, and the voice is low and melodious. Sound lingering. Therefore, it is very important to train the mind.

The fifth said: "Accurate". intonation. Seek the rhythm and phonemic accuracy, and the intonation can be obtained. Erhu is suitable for the law of five degrees of mutual growth. This law is used in music, with beautiful tones and moving melody. Its characteristics are that the whole tone should not be small, and the semitone should not be large. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the skills of the ears and fingers, and practice the ability to listen to the sound. To master the different points of tone, soft tone, and overtone, it is important that the rhythm of the music is accurate and accurate. Pursuing pitch is the lifelong goal of erhu practitioners, and should not be slack.

Six said: "combined". The combination of various techniques of the left and right hands. Left hand: pressing, soft, pressing, panning, sliding, padding, dialing fingers, right hand: slow, fast, throwing, shaking, jumping, bow strike, with no marks, just right. The method of cooperation should make various techniques mature, from raw to mature, from slow to fast, and follow the steps. And don't use a skill in a hurry when it's not ready, it will be counterproductive, and the success will be lost. It is advisable to practice separately first, then practice together; practice slowly first, then practice fast; practice concisely first, then practice complicatedly, so as to ensure that all skills are unobstructed and ready to be practiced. The songs played, the fusion of paragraphs, and the clear sentences, all depend on the skill of each skill and the exquisite coordination. Therefore, the power of cooperation should be carefully sought by piano players.

Seven said: "beauty". The sound is beautiful, touching and touching. How to get sound beauty? The beauty of sound lies in the rhythm, and the rhyme lies in the emptiness, the stumbling, the inflection, the continuity, and the clarity of the severity in the process of the sound. This sound enters into the other sound, just like a singer sings a song, a poet recites, and a writer screeches words. Qu has rhythm, poetry has flat and flat, words have peaks and ends, and sounds also have sound head, sound abdomen, and sound tail. If the qin player plays the sound head, belly, and tail as clear and pure as lines, so that the listener can see and hear things as if they are seeing things, and supplemented by flexible fingers, short and long bows, slow eyes, and suicidal efforts, the sound will be beautiful. must be available. When the listener hears the sound, it is like being in a Pinghu Qujian, among the rapids and waterfalls, which is pleasing to the ears and refreshing. This is the power of sound beauty.

Eight said: "love". Playing the piano is expensive. There is a saying that the person who loves the violin is in love with the song. Be affectionate, feel yourself, and move others. The song focuses on lyricism, expressing people's emotions, emotions, anger, sadness, music, life and death; rural scenery and natural scenery; rural flavor and the style of the times. The way to gain love lies in reading a wide range of expositions, being familiar with various arts, sending flowers and birds, and wading through steep mountains and rivers. The long-term love will be cultivated, and it will reach the land of divine will. Playing the qin is full of sensuality and sensuality, intoxicated by the music, and oblivious to the performance. This is called affection.

Covering the eight methods, the beauty of shape is pleasing to the eyes, the beauty of sound is pleasing to the ear, and the beauty of emotion is pleasing to the heart. Once you get these three, you can get all the eight ways of playing the erhu.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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