Erhu learning qin song formulas

270 views · Organized by 关谷奇迹 on 2022-05-28

Erhu Learning Mind Method

"A handful of erhu, the mystery is infinite.

Universal life, including it.

The inner yin and the outer yang, the strings are fixed and pass through.

Just for fate, always be with you.

Sow beans, get beans, sow melons, get melons.

Determined to find a way.

Understand the principles of the piano and imitate famous masters.

Once exposed to ten colds, the sea of suffering is boundless.

Use your fingers to move the bow and break down the technique.

Perseverance, autumn winter spring and summer.

Gradually break through, and get nine out of ten.

Calm down and try to get home.

The technique is the body, focusing on the inner essence.

It's biased, it doesn't work.

Love literature, know some calligraphy and painting.

Three teachings and nine streams, whichever is the best.

Humans grow in a river, and there is no end.

Easy-going, sincere.

Ups and downs, joys and sorrows.

Abandon the worldly world and practice in the world.

Hundred-foot tall buildings, diligently practicing Buddhism,

All beings are equal, without me and without others.

The long years, see the clarity of mind.

The majestic Lingshan, the piano proves my heart. "

Erhu learning qin song formulas

Erhu Cao Qin Song

Kneading, wiping, slipping, beating, pressing, padding, shaking,

The fingertips touch the strings in the shape of a hand.

Long, short, continuous, pause, shake, jump, throw,

The orderly arrangement of the bow is wonderful.

The coordination of both hands should be synchronized,

The pronunciation is pleasant and not noisy.

Hearing and vision should be unified,

Playing posture is important.

Cadence has a rank,

The flavor comes from high cultivation.

Love is as beautiful as a song,

Shen Yun is praised by people around Liang.

Learning piano is difficult and easy

The left hand is easy, the right hand is difficult,

It is easy to draw the bow, but difficult to push the bow.

The outer string is easy, the inner string is difficult,

It is easy to push and pull, but difficult to change strings.

Going up is easy and going down is hard,

It's easy to press your fingers and difficult to pitch.

Skills are easy to perform,

It is easy to decorate, but difficult to taste.

Seemingly easy to learn is difficult,

It's not difficult to study hard.

Five-character standard song of Erhu

Sound----The sound is pure and soft, and the timbre is colorful.

Love ---- sincere feelings, love in the voice.

Skill ---- Skillful, skilled use.

Shape----The image is accurate and natural, beautiful and generous.

Yun ---- rich flavor, accurate and authentic.

Sound beauty comes from hands,

Love really comes from the heart,

Skills come from hard work,

Form quasi-demand natural,

The rhythm is strong and exquisite,

Endless enjoyment.

Practicing the Three Character Classic of Quick Bow

At the beginning of practice, gender is urgent, slow motion, quick gain, hold the piano, finger close to the string, claws the finger, press the string firmly, keep the finger, need to know how to use, the right finger, hold the bow at the back, small amplitude, slow bow, change first Handle, push and pull back, do not change strings, hairs are close to each other, when changing strings, arm finger and wrist, active and passive, combined use, obstacle, drop speed, increase amplitude, high intensity, by measure, partial group, strong tone, The weak tone is light, the speed range is differentiated, the right wrist, tight and loose, loose and tight, tight and loose, tight and loose.

Erhu bow method formula song

1. Sitting posture of pulling erhu

The legs are flat and the shoulders are wide, and the right foot is behind the left foot. Sit upright and naturally like a bell. Do not form a bad habit. (sloping shoulders, crooked body, hunchback, bowing, etc.)

2. Erhu's bow

Relax the right hand and make a half fist. The index finger (third joint) and the thumb (finger surface) support the bow rod (root), the middle finger and the ring finger are in the middle (the bow rod and bow hair), and the internal and external strings are controlled at three points.

3. Erhu's piano

The qin barrel is leaning against the root of the left leg, the bar is straight and slightly forward, the left arm is half-raised and the tiger's mouth is round, and the root of the index finger is level with the thousand jins.

4. Erhu's chords

The thumb is relaxed and natural, the food, middle, name, and small form arc circles, the knuckles and palms control the ups and downs, and the elastic strings are like drum beats.

5. Erhu's Longbow

The right wrist is slightly convex when drawing the bow, and the wrist is first moved and pulled out to the right. Keep in mind the straight line movement, and avoid the forearm coming out too early. The upper arm of the push bow is retracted first, and the forearm is pushed to the left, the wrist is flexed inward and then pushed forward, and the next bow is drawn after gaining momentum.

6. Erhu's String Change

Slow and medium-speed string change: The middle finger and the index finger take the initiative to move out, and the arm movements complement each other, thus actively relying on the other string and keeping the bow at a uniform speed.

Fast forward string change: Fast forward string change (pull inside and push outside), the flexibility of the wrist is the key, the wrist drives the fingers to move, and the lasting and even effect is obvious.

Quick reverse string change: Quickly reverse the string change (pull outside and push inside), and the bow action arm bears. It is necessary to coordinate the front and back inside and outside, and the method should be correct and practice hard.

7. Erhu's bow

The upper arm is stable for support, and the bow is slightly slower and wider. Change the bow frequently and practice more, and the pronunciation of pulling and pushing is full.

8. Erhu's Lian Gong

The distribution of bow segments should be reasonable, the balance of sound quality is the goal, the bow is soft and even, and the bow is round and high.

9. Erhu's Quick Bow

The upper arm is dominant and stable, the wrist is flexible to fan the fan, the bow hair is not loosely attached to the string, and it is like a pearl falling on a jade plate.

10. Erhu's trembling bow

The tension of the upper arm is used as a support, the arm is straight and the center of gravity is heavy, and the bow is naturally loose and loose.

11. Erhu's Bow

The forearm supports the right wrist and controls the bow hair to rub the string vigorously. The hand relaxes instantly when the pronunciation is heard, and the bow hair gently sticks to the string.

Change the strings to keep the bow straight, the fingers change quickly inside and outside, and carefully figure out the continuous and sub-dun, use your brains and practice hard.

12. Erhu's Bow Throwing

Short jumps, right-swinging and lifting the bow, the hands are relaxed in the natural fall, and the bow hairs are pressed down and move in the opposite direction.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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