Explore the charm of "Jieshi Melody · Youlan"

37 views · Organized by 凉凉月色 on 2024-09-07

In the history of Chinese ancient music, "Jieshi Tune · Youlan" is an important ancient music. This piece of music not only attracts attention for its distant historical background, but also is highly respected for its unique artistic charm and profound cultural connotation. This article will lead readers to walk into this classic work and explore the story and artistic value behind it.

Explore the charm of

The preciousness and inheritance of music scores

The earliest extent version of the score of Jieshi Tune - Youlan is found in the Magic Secret Score compiled by Zhu Quan of the Ming Dynasty. This musical score is not only an important document of Guqin music, but also an indispensable material for the study of ancient Chinese music history. Jieshi Tune - Youlan shows the subtlety of guqin music with its unique mode and complex finger-work.

Historical origin

According to legend, "Jieshi Tune · Youlan" was written by Qiu Ming, a Liang qin player in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Qiu Ming is a very talented musician, he created this piece of music not only shows the noble quality of orchids, but also sustenance the author's yearning for noble morality. Through the Guqin's unique playing skills, such as overtone, glissando and so on, it creates a fresh and refined artistic conception.

Music structure and performance characteristics

The musical structure of Jieshi Diao Youlan is rigorous and varied. The entire piece is made up of multiple passages, each with its own unique melodic lines and rhythmic variations. In the performance process, the luthier needs to use a variety of techniques, such as pick, hook, wipe, pick, etc., to show the emotional changes of the song. Especially in the "orchid" part of the song, through the delicate tone changes, as if people are in a quiet orchid cluster.

Cultural implication

Jieshi Tune · Youlan is not only a musical work, but also an embodiment of Chinese cultural spirit. Orchids symbolize elegance, purity and constancy in traditional Chinese culture. This piece of music expresses the praise and pursuit of this beautiful quality through the beauty of Guqin rhythm. While enjoying this song, people can also feel the ancient people's yearning for the ideal state of harmonious coexistence of nature.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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