Five Misunderstandings of Self-Teaching Erhu

130 views · Organized by 爱在西元 on 2022-05-25

The price of erhu lessons for professional teachers is relatively expensive, and many erhu enthusiasts may not have the conditions nor the need to ask erhu teachers to teach lessons, and self-study has become the choice of most amateurs. Today, I will talk with you about the mistakes that are easy to occur but easily overlooked in amateur self-learning erhu. I hope everyone can notice and correct them as soon as possible.

Five Misunderstandings of Self-Teaching Erhu

1. The strength of the bow is unstable, which leads to the uneven sound of the erhu. It is inferred that there is a problem with the sound quality of the erhu. Many amateurs think that the erhu duola is useless, and they start to tune when they get the right position. In fact, practicing the empty strings can best stabilize the force of the bow, and the sound will be stable.

2. The metronome is turned on when pulling the erhu, but it is useless. It pulls intuitively and does not listen to the rhythm. In this way, it is easy to grab the beat or drag the beat in future performances. Moreover, if you can't follow the metronome today, you may not be able to follow the pace of the accompaniment tomorrow.

3. Blindly imitating the video of erhu performance, without understanding and flexibility that suits you, the more you practice, the more rigid it becomes.

4. Commenting on other people's erhu performances are well-informed, but they can't see their own problems; when others say their own problems, they often take it seriously because of "friendly relations", even though the other party may not be as good as himself. Don't give opinions to others at will, and don't listen to others' opinions indiscriminately. This is a good internal circle of fandom.

5. Very able to endure hardships, willing to spend time, but just keep your head down and practice, don't like listening to the original song, and don't like watching others play. Generally speaking, the so-called "original song" is a very good grasp of technology and emotion. Although it cannot be imitated blindly, it must be worth learning and reference. From the perspective of a bystander, it is easier to find some points and points that are easily overlooked in erhu performance. difficulty.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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