Frequently Asked Questions about Erhu Playing - Bow Throwing

66 views · Organized by 象牙山首富 on 2022-06-07

The symbol of bow throwing is 'nine', which is written above the notes. Because its effect is very similar to the sound of horseshoes, it is also called "horseshoe bow". The deviations that players are prone to in playing bow throwing are mainly as follows:

Frequently Asked Questions about Erhu Playing - Bow Throwing

  1. If the arm moves up and down too much, it will reduce the beating of the bow at the point where it touches the string. Can't even jump. Therefore, when playing the bow, the arm must be mainly rotated. Only a small amount of up and down movement is required so that the bow can jump.
  2. The action coordination is not tacit, that is, when the bow falls to the piano barrel, the index finger and thumb of the right hand are not relatively relaxed in time; the middle finger and ring finger cannot press down the bow hair elastically at the same time; the bow is not "thrown" out (action and feeling) It's a bit like the "water float" that Bao played when he was a child, that is, throwing a tile diagonally to the surface of the water, making it bounce several times on the water surface before it sinks), so the bow can't jump. Therefore, the tacit coordination of movements is the primary condition for playing the bow throwing.
  3. When playing the bow, the right finger is too high, which not only makes the touch point of the bow hair move up, but also makes the hit point of the bow and the piano stick to the rear end of the piano barrel when the bow falls (the correct hit point should be on the piano barrel). The front end, as close to the string as possible), this will make the throwing bow inelastic and unclear. Therefore, at the moment when the bow is pronounced, the bow should still be kept as "flat" as possible.
  4. When the bow takes off, there is a noise on the strings, which is because the bow cannot take off vertically. The correct method of throwing the bow requires the bow to move vertically up and down between the two strings, so that there is no noise from hitting the strings.
  5. When playing the bow, there is a noise when the bow rod hits the piano tube. The solution is the same as the bow.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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