Gold thread through the heart, Zheng words - Guzheng famous song "Embroidered gold plaque" appreciation

42 views · Organized by 汾酒 on 2024-07-16

In the magnificent picture scroll of Chinese folk music, "Embroidered Gold Plaque" is like a bright pearl, shining with its unique charm. This folk song originated from northern Shaanxi, through the ingenuity of Guzheng artists, turned into a beautiful melody on the zheng string.

Gold thread through the heart, Zheng words - Guzheng famous song

Origin and evolution

"Embroidered Gold Plaque" is originally a folk song spread in northern Shaanxi, its melody is simple, but contains a strong local customs and deep emotions. In the 1940s, the song began to be widely sung and gradually became a classic of folk art. With the passage of time, many guzheng masters have adapted and innovated this folk song, among which the most famous versions are Zhao Manqin, Shi Zhaoyuan and Zhou Yanjia. They not only retain the charm of the original song, but also integrate the unique techniques of the guzheng, making "Embroidered Gold Plaque" bloom in the field of guzheng art.

Musical features and playing skills

Under the guzheng interpretation, "Embroidered Golden Plaque" shows the distinctive characteristics of Shaanxi Zheng school. In the music, the pitch of "4" is between the natural tone and the sharp "4", and the sound of "7" is between the natural tone and the flat "7". This special scale treatment gives the music a strong regional color. In the process of playing, guzheng players will use glissolis, trills, dots and other skills to simulate the delicate changes of the human voice, making the music more vivid and touching.

Cultural connotation and emotional expression

The lyrics of "Embroidered Gold Plaque" tell the story of a woman's longing for her husband who is far away, and the words reveal deep affection and hope. Although the Guzheng version of "Embroidered Gold Plaque" has no lyrics, it can also touch the heartstrings of the audience through the ups and downs of the melody and the change of the rhythm, and convey the yearning and blessing across time and space. Each playing seems to tell an ancient and eternal love story, so that every listener can feel the emotional resonance through history.

"Embroidered Gold Plaque" is not only a piece of music, but also a cultural inheritance and emotional sustenance. It perfectly combines the charm of northern Shaanxi folk songs with the essence of Guzheng art, and has become a rare treasure in the treasure house of Chinese music. Whenever the zheng string sounds, the familiar melody can always evoke the softest part of people's hearts, and let people indulge in the pure and deep beauty.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

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