Guqin famous song "Goulou forget the machine" : the beauty of natural harmony

27 views · Organized by 薄暮 on 2024-09-06

"Gulu Lu Forget the Machine" is a popular ancient qin music, known for its fresh and elegant, far-reaching artistic conception. This piece depicts a beautiful picture of harmony between man and nature, showing the ideal state of the ancient Chinese literati's pursuit of spiritual freedom and the integration of nature.

Guqin famous song

Track origin

"Gulu Lu Forget Machine" originated from the Song Dynasty, and is said to be written by Guo Mianyang, a composer in the Song Dynasty. The name of this song comes from the "Zhuangzi · Foreign things" article: "The former seabirds stopped in the outskirts of Lu, Lu Hou Yu and drink in the temple, playing nine Shao for music, with too fast for food. The bird is dazzled with sorrow, afraid to eat a sphere, afraid to drink a cup, and died in three days. This is to raise the birds themselves, not to raise the birds." Here tells a story about a good Lu Hou doing bad things, implying that people should respect the laws of nature, rather than intervene in nature with human standards.

Melody characteristics

The melody of "Gull Lu Forget Machine" is peaceful and quiet, and the rhythm is soothing, like a flowing ink painting, which takes the listener into a world away from the bustle. The whole piece of music is divided into several paragraphs, each part has its own characteristics, but they echo each other, forming a harmonious and unified sense of the whole.

Prelude: The beginning part is simple and bright, as if the dawn, the lake sparkling, gull herons dancing.

Main body: With the development of the music, the melody is gradually enriched, showing the scene of the gout heron and human coexistence, both leisurely side, but also a warm picture of interaction.

Epilogue: Finally, the music returns to calm, as if everything is quiet, and the Gull Heron and the people's hearts reach a state of inorganic hearts, there is no suspicion between each other, only pure friendship.

Artistic conception analysis

"Gulu Lu Forget Machine" is not only a musical work, but also the embodiment of a philosophical thought. It promotes the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and encourages people to find inner peace in their busy lives. Through music, listeners can feel a kind of peace and beauty beyond the material world, and experience the intimate connection between the heart and nature.

By listening to "Gulu Lu Forget Machine", we can not only appreciate the charm of guqin music, but also understand the importance of harmony between man and nature. This piece of music is not only the crystallization of ancient literati wisdom, but also a good medicine for modern people's hearts.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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