The changes of fast, slow, strong and weak in a musical work are an important aspect of the musical content. If it is not taken seriously, the artistic expression will appear very mediocre. The speed in music can basically be classified into three types: slow, medium and fast. In addition, there are gradually faster, slower, slightly faster, slightly slower, and free speed. In many pieces of music, the tension, excitement, and warm and cheerful emotions are usually expressed with speed. Emotions such as affectionate and cordial are often expressed at medium speed. Slow is usually used to express emotions such as tragic, narration, and praise. For the player, it is important to learn to determine the tempo and turn the tempo markings on the score into the player's inner tempo concept.
The precise way to determine the tempo is to use a metronome, or a watch if you don't have a metronome. The method is based on the number of beats in 5 seconds, multiplied by 12 (because there are 12 5 seconds per minute), which is the tempo of the music per minute. For example, 10 beats in 5 seconds, then 10*12=120 (ie, 120 beats per minute). Another example is 5 beats in 5 seconds, then 5*12=60 (ie, 60 beats per minute), but it should be pointed out that when calculating the number of beats in 5 seconds, it must be full beats. For example, 10 foot beats in 5 seconds, you must count from 1 to 11 to be 10 foot beats. For ease of inspection, the following table is for reference:
Players should cultivate the concept of speed, and pay attention to regular training. For example, if the music is marked with per minute = 60 or per minute = 96, when we see this mark, we can beat the beat with our hands at any time, and use a watch or rhythm to check it. . When listening to a song or piece of music at ordinary times, you can also use the table to calculate it to see what speed it is. Over time, a clearer concept of speed will be established in the mind. If the player does not pay attention to cultivate the concept of tempo, ignore the tempo and tempo changes of the music, and use the so-called medium tempo to play, this is very harmful!