How to collect the piano after playing the erhu?

432 views · Organized by 拙 on 2022-05-06

How to collect the piano after playing the erhu? The correct way to collect the erhu The erhu is a very delicate musical instrument, and it is also an ancient musical instrument with great aura. I have been playing the qin for many years. I would like to talk about my feelings about the daily storage and maintenance of the erhu.

It is well known that erhu is a wooden product, so since it is a wooden product, no matter the quality of the material will always change with the change of air humidity and time, the erhu will be deformed to a greater or lesser extent. Some erhu deformations are not visible to our naked eyes. In view of this problem, my usual maintenance habit is to loosen the strings every time I finish playing the piano, whether it is new or old.

How to collect the piano after playing the erhu?

The benefits of loose strings are:

1. Protect the piano bar, so that the piano bar will not bear excessive tension;

2. Protect the piano skin. After long-term pressure, the piano skin will collapse prematurely. Of course, there are many people who like to use the pencil to stand above the bridge, but even so, the skin under the pencil is bound to be under a certain amount of pressure.

3. Protect the strings. The steel strings themselves are very durable. If the strings are loosened when the piano is not played, I think it will reduce the force on the strings, which will prolong the service life of the strings.

4. Train the intonation. Once you need to play the piano after loosening the strings, you need to re-adjust the intonation. Over time, we will have a habitual memory of the fixed pitch and interval relationship of the erhu, which will be deeply imprinted in the brain so that we can better Good grasp of pitch.

After talking about the benefits of loosening the strings for erhu, let’s talk about how to store the erhu best. The most suitable storage humidity for erhu has been confirmed by some experts and scholars that the humidity of the environment is between 40 and 60. Of course, it is best if you have a hygrometer and an automatic humidifier at home, which can make the room humidity change very little. A constant humidity is very important for the maintenance of Erhu. Nowadays, many erhu enthusiasts have collected many famous pianos, and the handlebars are expensive. They like to make a cabinet for storing erhus. Put some mothballs in the cabinet, such a cabinet will also create a stable storage environment for the erhu and prolong the life of the erhu. Generally, erhu lovers can put the erhu in the piano box and then lay it flat on the bookshelf. I personally think that the erhu should not be hung unless it is hung, because there is a safety hazard in hanging storage. On the other hand, when the erhu is hung, the piano axis will bear the responsibility The weight of the entire piano body, the point of force is at the position of the piano axis, and it will be detrimental to the piano axis for a long time, and the phenomenon of deformation will appear.

The maintenance of the piano body is generally dry in autumn and winter every year. You can wrap some oily pecan kernels with cotton cloth and wipe the entire body of the piano. In this way, the gloss of the piano body will be very good, and the phenomenon of burning silk on the piano body will be reduced. probability of occurrence. It should be emphasized that do not use walnut oil to clean the piano in summer, which is easy to mold. In addition, the piano skin cannot be smeared with oil. The oiled piano skin will increase its hardness, which is not good for the vibration of the piano skin. It can be gently wiped with a clean soft cotton cloth. The body of the piano will have some traces of rosin residue to varying degrees due to the long time. Now there are special cleaners on the market that specifically remove rosin from musical instruments, which can be purchased for cleaning.

Erhu should be pulled frequently and cannot be stored for a long time, which is not good for the piano skin. In addition, if the piano is not played for a long time, the wood of the body will appear dormant, which will inevitably affect the sound quality of the erhu.

It is recommended that the correct method is best to put the piano in the following ways:

The first step, wipe the rosin powder on the surface of the piano body with a clean cotton cloth;

The second step is to relax the strings to about half of the tightness. Then put a piece of wood or a pencil head prepared in advance between the barrel and the strings (above the bridge).

Note: The advantages of using the above method to collect the piano are as follows:

1. Relaxing the strings after closing the piano can reduce the force on the piano bar and prevent the piano bar from being bent out of shape due to long-term stress;

2. Relaxing the strings after closing the piano can reduce the stress on the piano skin and prevent the piano skin from being stressed for a long time, which will weaken the elasticity and tension of the piano skin, and cause unnecessary negative effects on the sound of the piano.

3. It is beneficial to fix the position of the bridge. It is best not to move the bridge frequently when it is fixed to a suitable position. If the bridge is moved up and down frequently, it is not only easy to shift, but also easy to cause friction damage to the skin;

4. It can protect the cleanliness of the piano skin. Because the horse is often moved by hand, the rosin powder on the piano skin will be affected by the temperature and humidity on the human fingers and stick to the piano skin and it is difficult to clean it. If the rosin on the piano skin accumulates too much, it will not only be difficult to clean, but also have an adverse effect on the sound of the piano, so whenever you finish playing the piano, don’t be afraid of trouble. good habits.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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