How to identify the authenticity of Erhu when choosing

122 views · Organized by 小小瞬 on 2022-05-07

The development of the market economy has driven the development of the cultural industry, the development of the cultural industry has driven the development of the erhu industry, and the growing market demand for erhu has stimulated the development of the erhu production industry. To a certain extent, the drive of profit induces the breeding and promotes the production of counterfeit erhus, and the phenomenon of muddy sand and mud and fish eyes is becoming more and more common. When buying erhus, you still need to pay attention to the following types of violins:

How to identify the authenticity of Erhu when choosing

1. OEM piano

Usually some musical instrument stores and piano shops buy from some brands and erhu workshops with poor market (manufacturers and workshops with real brand quality will never make OEM pianos for people), engraved and affixed with their own store numbers and trademarks. For sales, such stores and shops often advertise themselves as the front shop and the back factory (workshop), but in fact they generally do not have the ability to produce erhu. Make a show. Ordinary customers are often confused and believe it when they see it. This type of OEM piano is very tempting and deceptive to online Huyou, foreign Huyou, and unknowing Huyou.

2. Nominal piano

Usually, some manufacturers and workshops join forces with some celebrities and masters in the erhu world to make some violins engraved with the words "celebrities, famous master producers, appraisals, etc.", and then add some certificates, cards and other things. , The number is not verified. It is often the producer who fakes his name, and the authenticator's number of pianos cannot be verified. It has a long history. Anyway, the price of the piano is high, and the wool comes from the sheep. It is a win-win for manufacturers and celebrities. Great seductive and deceptive.

3. OEM piano

This kind of qin is showing a trend of continuous expansion, and some erhu masters, teachers and some erhu lovers are all keen on it. These famous masters, teachers and Hu Youzhuan ordered some semi-finished products from some workshops with poor reputation and poor market that specialized in working for others and brought them back to assemble. The first one above is that the computer cutting plotter must be used to engrave the patterns with the words "*** refined" by these violin players. This kind of person has transformed into a "luthier" overnight, and some have set up a room with a few objects, tools, etc., and some have written "*** erhu studio" or something, and so on. Generally, after getting it, you can really show off and deceive people, and some can even sell a little erhu. Occasionally, I also found that some Hu You who didn't know what to do still believed it and thought that he had really met a master and a famous qin. For this kind of person, we use a jargon in the Suzhou erhu production industry to call it: "Falling down the rivers and lakes". It is common that there are several websites where such people perform from time to time: upload a few pictures of erhu, please enjoy the fine erhu that has just been refined today, and post a few more pictures tomorrow, saying that they have recently developed some superb products. Please watch the erhu, which made it quite shocking, and then asked people to support, blow, blow, and stir, which is very serious, and finally the word "sell" is indispensable. Since it is a "boutique, the best", there is a rather expensive price. In fact, many Hu friends have seen the fox's tail long ago---in the so-called "please enjoy" erhu pictures uploaded on the Internet, it is obvious that there are OEMs---Suzhou area and manufacturer's code number and so on. On a professional erhu website, a comment on Hu Youqin's skin was made: "Your qin skin is five pieces of skin below the anus of a python skin", and let the whole world know the big joke that everyone laughed. Later, the moderator of Taiwan Erhu Training Room, Hu Tu, couldn't really see it, and came forward to correct it: "This piano skin is the first piece of skin above the anus of the python skin." Where can there be a luthier who doesn't even know if there is a piano skin below the anus of the python skin?

At present, OEM piano workshops are mainly distributed in the south, and there are also a small number in the north. From shell making, inlay, skin, engraving, numbering, engraving to packaging, erhu collection certificate, etc. The requirements put forward are semi-finished products, semi-finished products, finished products, etc., and the service is thoughtful and comprehensive. At present, the team of "inverted rivers and lakes" who are willing to resell OEM pianos is developing and growing in a trend that a single spark can start a prairie prairie. These people often conduct sales and business contacts in virtual ways such as online, email, and telephone, and are ridiculed by many Hu You who know the details: "virtual production (qin) teacher", "online production (qin) teacher", and "selling old people across the mountain" cattle business".

The wind of OEM reselling is currently spreading rapidly to accessories and other aspects. Except for erhu strings, which has not been found to be OEM reselling, others are common: such as rosin, piano code and so on. It is reported that there are still people who want to OEM and imitate the popular Taiwanese patented product - steel butterfly erhu mute. Some people add some red, green, blue and black colors to the very common raw material rosin, and their value rises sharply. The piano code is even more bells and whistles, various, cloudy and foggy, and so on. These foundry accessories have neither scientific research theoretical basis nor production technology content. What's more, what is invented today, what will be developed tomorrow, and what will be created the day after tomorrow, the material is really more precious than the dragon's liver and the phoenix's brain, and the effect of use is really reaching an unprecedented level, but the final focus is on the One - Qian Zi, I often see Hu You who has no inside information falling into the trap. To know how much effort and time it takes to research a thing, some take decades, and some have reached the current level after several generations of unremitting efforts. There are no shortcuts on the road of erhu and accessories research. Shortcut - Can OEMs achieve fame and fortune? Now the number of celebrities and ordinary people in the business of OEM reselling erhu accessories and other things is also increasing, and the team is growing.

OEM has brought about the trend of simplification and complication, which are opposite but develop side by side. Simplification; on the other hand, it is precisely because of the emergence of OEM products that the work process of identifying genuine erhu and accessories for most Hu friends has become complicated.

4. Master Qin

At present, the stock of famous master erhu is very small, and its production volume is very small. The sale of new pianos is the driving force of the temptation of interest. Many factors such as small quantity, high price, attractive market, and large profits give birth to these kinds of pianos. There are several sources of their origins: First, the violin makers around the master. Select a few from the violins that have been made and engrave (brand, inlay) the master's name; the second is that the master himself selects a few erhus made by the violin maker around him, and then engraves (brands, inlays) the master himself. The third is that the master asks someone to process and make his own or just skin, and engrave (brand, embed) the master's own name. Although this kind of qin is not made by the master, it has a little bit of the master's aura, and the quality is not bad. Of course, the price of the qin is absolutely super high. Some masters have been stubborn and proud all their lives, and now they are in the midst of the market economy. Although they are unable to do what they want, they have to go with the flow and finally flutter a few times. There are few such pianos, and there are also many buyers. It is quite tempting for Hu You, who is thirsty for Xihuan's collection, buying erhu, and has a lot of money.

5. Ming and Qing Dynasties

Looking at the erhu market, you can find that there are quite a few erhus engraved with the words "Old Materials in Ming and Qing Dynasties". You must know that these "Old Materials in Ming and Qing Dynasties" are a good selling point for some manufacturers to make and sell violins. Everyone knows that the old materials of Ming and Qing Dynasties are good erhus, so they engraved more "old materials of Ming and Qing Dynasties" erhus in the products to achieve the effect of both fame and fortune. Take a closer look at the "quality erhus of old materials of Ming and Qing Dynasties" in some manufacturers' workshops. , it is not difficult to find that there are actually very few real old materials, and most of them are made of new materials and pigments. For the so-called old materials of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the two are clearly demarcated and cannot be confused: the old materials of the Ming Dynasty: mainly red sandalwood and huanghuali, mostly used by emperors, dignitaries and dignitaries, they are precious and rare, and now they are mostly collected as precious cultural relics. Willing to? Who can do it? It should be emphasized that the old materials of the Ming Dynasty did not have acidwood wood. Old materials from the Qing Dynasty: In the homes of emperors in the early Qing Dynasty, there were still some leftover materials from the Ming Dynasty, such as red sandalwood and huanghuali. Because the red sandalwood, huanghuali and other wood were consumed in the Ming Dynasty, the rosewood in the middle and late Qing Dynasty mainly imported rosewood such as rosewood from Southeast Asia. ) are mostly old materials since the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and there are very few old materials in the Middle Qing Dynasty. Often come into contact with old materials and old pianos, and have a little knowledge of distinguishing common sense. Brief introduction: Usually, the comparison between old materials and new pianos: the specific gravity of the material is a little smaller, the audio frequency is a little lower (the fundamental frequency of the material), and the sound wave is a little longer (the material base Frequency), the material is a little harder, the material is a little brittle, the brown eye is bigger, the crystalline point in the brown eye is brighter, the piano sound is thick, loose, soft, round, etc. As old mahogany (old furniture material) is becoming less and less common, some people now find another source of materials: a lot of old Vietnamese house demolished materials have been used in the production of old erhu, and some qin makers have mixed old Vietnamese house demolished materials with old materials. The old furniture materials are confused, and it is not easy for the layman to tell them apart. In fact, the price of the old house demolition materials in Vietnam is several times cheaper than the old furniture materials, and the materials are quite different. The Vietnamese old house demolition materials and old furniture materials There are also methods of identification, which can usually be distinguished from the specific gravity, density, color, texture, etc. of the material.

6. Red Sandalwood

The red sandalwood wood is currently a precious material for making pianos, and it is mainly imported from India. Due to the large consumption and India’s restrictions on exports, the price of red sandalwood is constantly rising. It has doubled several times in a few years, and the price of the erhu made of red sandalwood has also skyrocketed. The driving force of interest has made the counterfeiting of red sandalwood piano materials more and more common. It is found that some violin makers call the red and purple wood as red sandalwood Mongolian people. Relevant professional information: In addition to red sandalwood wood, there are nearly 20 kinds of wood that also contain purple pigment after inspection, but none of them are red sandalwood. At present, there are quite a few names of sandalwood in the erhu of purple-red piano materials: red sandalwood, Venus red sandalwood, golden silk red sandalwood, Indian lobular sandalwood, big leaf sandalwood, No. 2 red sandalwood, No. 3 red sandalwood, rose sandalwood, blood sandalwood and so on. Even the striped ebony that cannot be reached by the red sandalwood has been pushed to the throne of "old material old red sandalwood erhu". However, the buyers of the violin actually firmly believed in the principle of "old material and old red sandalwood erhu", and they stubbornly twisted their necks to show the violin everywhere, which made all Hu friends incredible. The identification method of red sandalwood is more complicated. It can be distinguished from the texture, color, specific gravity, odor, brown eye, crystal, fundamental frequency, etc. of the material. Hu You who does not have a certain ability to distinguish should pay more attention when buying red sandalwood.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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