How to master the pitch of erhu?

92 views · Organized by 汾酒 on 2022-05-06

Learning erhu, there are always a large number of people who can't pronounce the sound correctly. What should we do? Let's find out the reasons first, and then take corresponding solutions.

There are basically three situations in which the erhu sound is not allowed to be pulled. The first type has a problem with the ear, can't hear the sound accurately, and can't grasp the pitch; the second is the ear is okay, if it is wrong, there is self-knowledge, and the pitch is clear, but the pitch error is caused by the inaccurate posture of pressing the strings; The three are related to the erhu tuning. The inaccurate calibration of the inner and outer strings has a direct impact on the intonation of the erhu.

Let's take a look at how to solve these problems. For the first type of pitch inaccuracy, the key to the solution is to practice ear training, improve the pitch resolution ability of the ear, and the problem will be solved. Because listening and pulling are highly related, inaccurate listening means inaccurate pulling, and inaccurate pulling is largely caused by inaccurate listening.

How to master the pitch of erhu?

How to train ears? One is to combine ear training with sight-singing, listen and sing more scales and arpeggios, sing along with keyboard instruments, and sing along with audio-visual materials. The second is to use erhu in an accurate and standardized posture, along with keyboard scales and arpeggios. Exercise. In the meantime, use your ears to listen carefully. After a long period of ear training, the listening ability will definitely be improved. Coupled with the accurate phonemic coordination of the different tonality of the erhu, the intonation of the erhu will get better and better.

The solution to the second inaccurate tone is very simple, as long as you further consolidate and strengthen your hearing, and correct and adjust the wrong chord-pressing posture, you will basically pass the test. The erhu should be pressed steadily and accurately, not only in the right position, but also in a fixed area of touch. You can't press the strings with your fingertips and knuckles for a while, which will inevitably cause the sound to wander.

To solve the problem of inaccurate third tone, it is necessary to learn to tune the erhu strings proficiently. This is obviously also related to hearing, but it is nothing more than listening to a perfect fifth. The main thing is to develop the habit of checking the accuracy of the internal and external open strings, and correct them in time if any problems are found, so as not to affect the performance of the etude music.

Finally, it needs to be pointed out: no matter what kind of situation you belong to, no matter how long you have learned erhu, you must learn and always master the exact phonemes and fingerings of the commonly used erhu tones, as well as their relationship with the semitones and whole tones in the melody. The relationship between intervals, because only with sufficient comprehensive ability to control tonality, phoneme, and melody, plus a pair of sensitive and alert ears, then, no matter how complicated the music and music, you can calmly deal with it, and even surpass it. On top of the art of sound quality and sound quality.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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