This is a kind of ensemble instrument, usually played by one person per barrel, but also can be played by four or five players. When there are less than seven players, one or two of them will play two or three bamboo barrels. Bamboo tubes are not stored after use, and are made temporarily when used. Bamboo tubes are inseparable from the hunting life of the Jino people and are not used in other occasions.
Bamboo tube has certain playing rules, and has formed a fixed rhythm accompaniment pattern of the tune. The timbre is rich, the sound is harmonious, the crisp bamboo sound and the rough singing are integrated into the joy of the Jino people.
The Jino people love to hunt, and they sing to celebrate after hunting. When singing, the accompaniment is to strike bamboo tubes with different pitches, which is also called "bamboo tube tune". The tunes are: walking tune, sung on the way home from hunting; home tune, sung when returning home and inviting neighbors to share game.
The history of the custom of knocking bamboo tubes can be traced back to ancient times. It was closely related to the hunting of the ancestors. At that time, when big beasts such as wild boars and red deer were beaten, a set of bamboo tubes with a large diameter was beaten; The son and other small beasts, knock one set of bamboo tubes with a small diameter, and knock two sets of wild cattle together. So people can tell what kind of beast they hit from the sound of the bamboo tube.