How to replace the skin of dulcimer bamboo

289 views · Organized by 阿蘅 on 2022-05-16

The skin material used for the bamboo head of the dulcimer is taken from the valve core used on the bicycle. The method of replacement is to cut two valve cores with a length of 5mm, and use scissors to break them apart. The broken parts leave less than 1mm at each end of the valve core (piano skin) as a set of piano rods. The installation method is: hold the middle of the headstock with the right hand, so that the tip can be inserted into the middle hole at one end of the valve core held by the left hand, and then use the left hand to push the rolled leather ring over the headstock to the gap between the headstock and the bamboo stem. At the junction, re-level the qin leather sub-ring so that it is flat on the root of the qin bamboo pole, and the valve core opening faces upwards. Then, pull the other end of the leather and put it on the tip of the bamboo head, flatten the leather and put it on the bamboo head and arrange it to meet the requirements of beautiful and even use.

How to replace the skin of dulcimer bamboo

The principle of replacing the skin of the two-tone bamboo piano is the same as that of the single headstock. The difference is that the second headstock needs to be replaced first, and both ends of the skin should be rolled over the first headstock when the skin is inserted into the headstock, and then the first skin roll is selected to pass over the second headstock, and the skin roll should be leveled. Make it fit the second headstock. Be careful and pay attention that the force to push the piano skin sub-roll should be moderate, and you must not accidentally break the part of the piano bar between the first headstock and the second headstock due to excessive force.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Yangqin (Pinyin: YangQin) was introduced from Persia at the end of the Ming Dynasty. It was originally used as an accompaniment for folk art and formed a variety of genres. After nearly 400 years of circulation and evolution in my country, dulcimer has traditional Chinese characteristics and national styles in musical instrument production, performance art or music creation, and combined with local folk music, it has formed a number of outstanding A genre with local and musical characteristics.

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