How to start the new erhu? 10 details of the opening tone

246 views · Organized by 橘子猫 on 2022-05-06

The length of the erhu's opening time, the quality of the sound quality and volume, the precautions, and the method of judging will affect whether the erhu is played well, so how to turn on the erhu?

Method 1 of opening the sound of the erhu: take the sound

1. The new piano needs to "take the sound", first pull the empty strings to disperse the sound, listen with your ears, think with your heart, how to play it well, set a good goal, and then adjust your own playing method. It is the same piano, and different playing methods will inevitably make the piano emit different timbres. A new qin is like a piece of white paper. Only by using the correct method can the original sound be gradually vibrated and the longer it will become more pure.

2. The skin and barrel need to vibrate regularly and with sufficient strength for a long time to expand and contract, so that it can be called a piano. Conversely, playing (pulling) the qin indiscriminately will bring out the limit of contraction and expansion of the qin itself, which will break the sound of the qin and crack the sound.

3. After the piano has been used for many years, its original sound has not been turned on, just like a new piano. This is caused by the user's playing method or the lack of strength exerted on the piano.

4. How to raise a piano well, the most critical issue is sound selection and debugging. The correct method of sound selection is the key to raising a piano.

How to start the new erhu? 10 details of the opening tone

The second method of opening the sound of the erhu: opening the sound

1. The new piano needs to be "opened", and the opened piano will be easy to play. There is a wonderful phenomenon in the process of opening the sound. When you use the correct method to pull it up to a certain day (usually 3-5 months), the piano will suddenly make a very obvious buzzing sound, and the reverberation will also lengthen, and then you will feel the sound of the piano is open. As the volume increases, I feel that the feel of pressing the strings is also softer.

2. If the force of playing the violin is too small or the method is incorrect, the violin will not automatically start to sound after being used for a long time. The thickness of the barrel (sound box) is set for the strength of the piano, and it is impossible to reduce the thickness of the barrel to pull out the sound. Due to the difference of materials, the opening voice also varies from person to person, and there will be sooner or later. However, after getting the new piano, it is found that the skin of the piano is thick or hard and must not be oiled or Vaseline, because oil and Vaseline will penetrate the python skin fibers and make the python skin lose its elasticity. The best way is to put a little beeswax on it, use a vibrating hammer to sew along the edge of the piano skin, turn clockwise from outside to inside, and slowly press and knead one scale after another. sound-on effect. What attracts special attention is that it is easy to learn how to practice the piano and the middle and high-grade erhu. It will start when you pull the sound, and it will break when you pull it for a long time. It is suitable for this method.

3. When someone has a bad piano sound, they will ask a master to help them get the good sound back, but after a period of time, the sound of the piano gets worse again, that is, there is a problem with their own playing method.

4. Opening the voice is not the ultimate goal, it is just an introduction. Maintaining the timbre of the huqin is the ultimate goal. It is necessary to maintain continuous constant pulling and practice for a long time to protect the elasticity of the piano skin.

Erhu Kaiyin Precautions

1. Pay attention to the thickness of the python skin. The thickness of the piano skin should be moderate. The skin is too thick, although the sound quality is pure, but the volume is low, and it takes a long time to turn on the sound; the skin is too thin, the volume is high, and the time required to turn on the sound is short, but the noise is loud, and even the wolf sound is serious;

2. Pay attention to the thickness of the strings. The diameter of the brand erhu strings can be thick or thin, and the new erhu should choose a thinner pair of strings, which is conducive to the opening of the sound;

3. Pay attention to the material of the piano code. The new erhu should choose the pine code with bright sound quality, and the placement position is 1-2 mm upwards from the center of the piano skin;

4. Pay attention to the bundling specification of thousands of pounds. The jin wire should be made of silk with suitable thickness and good acoustic conductivity, and the binding method should be standardized.

5. Pay attention to the installation of the strings. After the strings are installed, the outer strings are outside the shaft, and the inner strings are inside the shaft, and the inner and outer strings above a thousand pounds should be on the same plane when viewed from the side (that is, the turning angles of the inner and outer strings are the same);

6. pay attention to playing style. The left hand should press the string "three points into the wood", the right hand bow should be "stretched and about to break", and the longbow should be used more;

7. Pay attention to the practice time. Practice the piano for more than three hours every day to speed up the opening of the erhu;

8. Pay attention to the tuning. When practicing the new erhu, try to set it at DA, which puts a lot of pressure on the piano skin, and keeps the fifth relationship accurate at any time, making it easy to open the tone;

9. pay attention to love the erhu. Avoid direct sunlight on the python skin when practicing the piano outdoors. It should also be moisture-proof and anti-collision. Unless there are special circumstances, do not disassemble the piano rod and the piano to prevent damage to the initially established harmonious resonance;

10. Be careful not to lend erhu to beginners. Prevent "pulling", that is, destroying the harmonious resonance;

In short, as long as you pay attention to the above matters, most of the new erhu can be played within half a year to a year (about 600-1000 hours of accumulated piano practice time).

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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