Is there another name for guqin?

124 views · Organized by 长恭 on 2022-05-25

The appellation of Guqin, we are familiar with Yaoqin and Sitong. Besides, what other special names are there for Guqin? Let me introduce you to some interesting guqin names.

1. Seven Wires: Because of the seven strings of the qin. Song Zhaopeng's "Touring to Qingcheng Mountain": Zhe dangers are paired with two sandals, and there are seven silks in every quiet drum.

2. Seven strings: Guqin has seven strings. "Reception" by Wei Jikang of the Three Kingdoms: But when the body is seven strings, the heart is in the confidant.

3. Fantong: Jiaqin is mostly made of paulownia wood, and the name of general wood is "fantong". Song SuZhe, "A man who has been playing the piano for a long time is better than borrowing a Leiqin to remember the old songs."

4. Yuzhen: When the guqin is played, the golden sound of Yuzhen, hence the name. Yuan Tao Zongyi's "Nancun Dropping Farming Record": Guqin names: Bingqing, Chunxue, Yuzhen, Huanghu, Qiu Xiao.

5. Jade qin: The qin is decorated with jade, which is the name. Tang Changjian's "Jiang Shang Qin Xing": Jiang Shang tunes the jade qin, one string is pure and one heart.

Is there another name for guqin?

6. Jade emblem: each emblem is made of jade. "Liang Shu Literary Biography. Yu Jianwu": Therefore, the jade emblem is milled with gold, which is despised by the humble eyes;

7. Sitong: Guqin uses silk as strings, mostly made of paulownia wood. "Seven Sorrows Poems" by King Can of Wei of the Three Kingdoms: Si Tong is touching and mournful for me.

8. Gutong: Tongmu produced on the southern slope of Yishan Mountain has good quality and clear sound, so it is called. "Shangshu. Yugong": Gutong in Yiyang. Biography: solitary, special also. The sun of Yishan, the special tung, and the melody.

9. Mingsi: Guqin plucks the strings and then gets a sound, hence the name. Tang Li Bai's "Handan Nanting Guanji": singing and drumming Yan Zhao'er, Wei Shu playing the silk.

10. Mingqin: Guqin plucks the strings and sings. Jin Luji's "Issuing East City One How High": Playing the qin in a leisurely night, the sound is clear and sad.

Is there another name for guqin?

11. Yiyang: The southern slope of Yishan is called "Yangyang". The tung it produces is the best wood for making qin, so the exquisite qin is called "Yangyang". Note see "Lone Tong" above. Jin Gehong's "Bao Puzi. Empowering Talents": Yangyang Yunhe, do not sing for the sake of being invincible, in order to compete in the lustful depression.

12. Xiantong: Guqin is made of paulownia wood, and silk is used to make strings, so it is called. Song Xiezhuang's "Yue Fu" in the Southern Dynasty: So Xiantong practiced and sounded, and the sound and content were selected harmoniously.

13. Tong Jun: Tong is a good material for the qin, and it is planned to be called "Tong Jun". Song Chen Shidao's "Second Rhyme Su Gong West Lake Watching the Moon and Listening to the Qin": There is no need for life, there is wine and Tongjun.

14. Bead column: a good name for the piano. Yuxin's "Ode to a Small Garden" of the Northern Zhou Dynasty: The piano number is Zhuzhu, and the book is my jade cup.

15. Liuhui: Guqin is based on the thirteen emblems, so the sound of the piano is "Liuhui", which refers to the piano. Liang Zhang rate of the Southern Dynasties "Meeting Line": The emblem of Liu Liu is stroked in the hall, and the thunder is applied in the morning and evening.

16. Qingying: Guqin Tong system, the tone is clear and pleasant, so it is called. "General Examination of Literature. Le 10": Xiangru's Luqi, Cai Yong's Jiaowei, Yulin, Xiangquan, Yunqing, Qingying, Yishen, etc., the names are different.

17. Luqi: another name for the piano. Fu Xuan's "Qin Fu Preface" in the Western Jin Dynasty: Duke Huan of Qi had a sounding qin called the bell, Chu Zhuang had a sounding qin and called it around the beam, the middle-age Sima Xiang had a green qi, and Cai Yong had a coke tail, all of which were famous.

18. Jiao Tong: Han Cai Yong used a charred wood violin, hence the name. "Book of the Later Han Dynasty. The Biography of Cai Yong": There were people in Wu who burned tong for cooking. Yong heard the sound of fire and knew its good wood. He cut it into a qin because of the request. Said 'Jiaoweiqin' Yan.

19. Luoxia: Another name for Guqin. Tang Lu Guimeng's "Secluded Residence": the famous gathering snow, still attracts the news of dead grass; the piano number Luoxia is still said to be withered.

20. Shun Qin: The five-stringed guqin was invented by Shun, hence the name. "Book of Rites. Book of Music": In the past, Shun made a five-stringed qin and sang "Southern Wind".

21. Yuxian: A banjo made by Yu Shun, see above. Ming Gaoming's "Pipa Records": Qiang played Yu Xian to Nanxun.

22. Qiaowu: The ancients used dry tungsten wood, hence the name. "Zhuangzi. De Chongfu": Leaning on a tree and chanting, according to the chaowu and resting.

23. Yaozhen: Qin Zhen jade, generally refers to the piano. Tang Li Bai's "Beishan alone drinking and sending Wei Liu": sitting on the moon to read the treasure book, brushing frost and different Yaozhen.

24. Yaoqin: A good name for the piano. The Southern Song Dynasty Baozhao's "Nil Ancient": In the mirror dust box, the Yaoqin gave birth to Gangluo.

25. Hezhen: According to legend, the master Kuang played the qin, and Xuanhe came to dance. Tang Wangbo's "Preface to the Fourth Class Banquet with Members": In ancient and modern times, those who cherish Fangchen should stop cranes and stand in the wind; those who cherish secluded deeds should stop at the moon path.

Is there another name for guqin?

26. The rest of the cuan (cuan): the classic "Book of the Later Han Dynasty. The Biography of Cai Yong", detailed above. Tang Hanyu's "Timu Jushi": For the sake of the gods, the Bigou was interrupted, and the reward was still the same. Also known as "Cuan Xia disabled" and "Cuan Xia salary".

27. Three-foot Tong: According to legend, the Shennong Tong wooden piano is three feet, six inches and six minutes long, so it is called. Song Sushi's "Dai Taoist's Four Characters": Relying on this three-footed tung, it has the meaning of mountains and rivers. Also known as "Three-foot Qin".

28. Friends of Yiyang: Another name for the piano. See above. Ming Huang Yizheng's "Cyanzhu of Things": Li Jianxun called Qin a friend of Yiyang.

29. Lay Scholar Qingying: A joking name for the personification of the guqin. Yuan Luo Xiandeng's "Preface to the Praise of the Study": Jiao Tong character is a good material, and the number is Qingying layman.

——From "An Interesting Book of Tracing the Origin of Chinese Things"

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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