Liyang Museum held a lecture on Jiaoweiqin knowledge

96 views · Organized by 钟离 on 2022-03-11
The sound of Jiaowei's qin is far away, and the zitong wood is especially fragrant. On the occasion of the "5.18" International Museum Day, in order to better inherit cultural characteristics and carry forward historical traditions, Liyang Museum recently held a musical "feast". Let young people really feel the charm of music and culture at close range.

Liyang Museum held a lecture on Jiaoweiqin knowledge

The event invited Mr. Ge Yadong, a famous guqin scholar and performer, director of Jiaowei Qin Academy.

Liyang Museum held a lecture on Jiaoweiqin knowledge

In the lecture, Mr. Ge first introduced the traditional Chinese music theory to the students. In the enlightenment of the "Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, Yu" pentatonic scales, he stimulated the children's sense of music and cultivated their interest in learning music culture. Enhance the sense of identity with traditional culture. Afterwards, Mr. Ge introduced the origin of Jiaoweiqin to the students based on the architectural appearance of the museum. He emphasized that Jiaoweiqin culture, as a part of urban culture, not only endowed the urban architecture with distinct regional characteristics, but also endowed Liyang with a unique cultural charm, making the city more profound.

Liyang Museum held a lecture on Jiaoweiqin knowledge

Mr. Ge hopes that Jiaoweiqin culture can influence generations after generation, so that Jiaowei's hometown will be spread far and wide.

Liyang Museum held a lecture on Jiaoweiqin knowledge

At the end of the activity, Mr. Ge played Guqin music for everyone. In the sound of Lingling strings, the beautiful rhythm made the students immerse themselves in the situation, and absorb the rich nutrition of five thousand years of history in the spring wind and rain, which was highly appreciated by the students. Love it, won the applause from the scene.

Involving musical instruments

Jiaoweiqin (pinyin: Jiāo wěi qín) is one of the four famous qins in ancient China. Compared with the other three qin, the name of "Jiaowei" is straightforward, but its life experience is extraordinary, so it was created by Cai Yong, a famous person in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

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