Meihuaguan Ancient Music Collection: Guqin and Nanyin Ancient Music Gather in the Ancient City

253 views · Organized by 九曲 on 2023-08-21

Recently, a unique collection of ancient music was held at the Plum Blossom Hall of Quanzhou Historical and Cultural Center. Yao Gongbai, a representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage project Guqin art and the vice president of the China Kunqu Opera Guqin Research Association, joined hands to exchange performances in the hall. Friends of the Plum Blossom Hall Nanyin stringers welcomed guests through finger, score, and high standard performances. Su Shiyong, a representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage project Nanyin, participated in the performance Xia Yongxi and others, outstanding representatives of ancient Chinese music, Guqin and Nanyin, complement each other in the ancient city of Quanzhou, and their wonderful performances intoxicate the audience on-site.

Meihuaguan Ancient Music Collection: Guqin and Nanyin Ancient Music Gather in the Ancient City

Guqin is a traditional Chinese plucked instrument with a history of over 3000 years. It was selected as one of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity in 2003. Nanyin was selected as the intangible cultural heritage of humanity in 2009 and is known as the "living fossil" of traditional Chinese music.

Yao Gongbai has been fond of music since childhood, and learned the essence of Zhejiang style Yao culture from his father, Mr. Yao Bingyan. During his visit to Quan, he shared the development of the ancient qin in China and Fujian, and performed "The Cry of the Black Night" for the live audience, which was recorded in the 1425 qin music collection "Magic Secret Score".

There are many disseminators and enthusiasts of guqin in Quanzhou. Throughout history, Quanzhou has always had the musical pulse of guqin. Although there have been highs and lows, it has never been interrupted. "Yao Gongbai said, Quanzhou has a long history and profound cultural heritage. Nanyin is an outstanding representative of Quanzhou's excellent traditional culture. After Quanzhou's successful application for World Heritage, its influence has been increasing day by day. Compared to the southern sound, the guqin has a light and delicate sound, which requires ears to be raised to listen. It is often a refined collection of three or five intimate friends and has been deeply loved for thousands of years of development history.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Weiqun, the wife of Yao Gongbai, also attended the audience and played the guqin "Remembering Old Friends". She was born in the ancient city of Quanzhou and moved to Hong Kong at the age of seven. Currently, she teaches at City University of Hong Kong, holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the School of Chinese Studies at the University of Hong Kong, and is the Vice President of the Hong Kong Jinghe Piano Society. I have successively studied the piano with Liu Chuhua and Yao Gongbai. Before the performance, Yao Gongbai tuned the piano for him and performed the piano and zither harmonies on site.

This exchange activity marked the beginning of the commemorative activity for the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Quanzhou Historical and Cultural Center. The center meticulously prepared live performances such as "Ai Zai Zhi" and "Mei Hua Cao", especially the "Mei Hua Cao" led by Su Shiyong and Xia Yongxi, which received applause from the audience.

I occasionally wave a song to the human world, and the flying swan looks at the deep sea and sky. "Cai Shengtie, the chairman of the Quanzhou Historical and Cultural Center, said that this gathering of guqin and nanyin guyue in the ancient city for exchange and performance is a cross-border exchange, but it is promoting excellent traditional culture, which is consistent with the purpose of the Quanzhou Historical and Cultural Center since its establishment for 40 years. As early as the 1980s, the center advocated the establishment of the China Nanyin Society and Quanzhou Nanyin Research Association, making important contributions to the inheritance and development of Nanyin. In the future, the center will make more efforts in protecting, inheriting, and promoting excellent traditional culture, and contribute to the innovation of Nanyin Shouzheng.

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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