Qin Language under the moon -- Appreciation of Liu Tianhua's famous Erhu song "Moonlight Night"

77 views · Organized by 碍与暧 on 2024-08-15

Among the traditional Musical Instruments of the Chinese nation, Erhu, with its unique timbre and expressive force, has become one of the important tools to express emotions and depict scenes. Moonlight Night, as a classic of Erhu art, has been deeply loved by the audience since its publication. Through the delicate emotional revelation and vivid picture outline, this song shows composer Liu Tianhua's profound artistic attainments and profound perception of the beauty of nature.

Qin Language under the moon -- Appreciation of Liu Tianhua's famous Erhu song

About the author

Liu Tianhua (1895-1932) was a famous musician and educator in modern China. He is not only an outstanding Erhu player, but also an excellent composer, who has made important contributions to the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese music. Liu Tianhua composed many Erhu solo works in his life, Moonlight Night is the most well-known one.

Track background

Moonlight Night was written around 1928, when China was in a period of social unrest. Through this song, Liu Tianhua expresses his longing for a peaceful and tranquil life and his love for the beautiful scenery of nature. With a quiet night under the moonlight as the background, the song expresses the author's innermost feelings through the depiction of natural scenes.

Musical structure and musical characteristics

"Moonlight Night" is divided into three parts: the first part unfolds in a slow and poetic way, depicting a peaceful and mysterious moonlight night; In the second part, the melody gradually quickens and the mood becomes more varied, as if telling the story of the night; The third part returns to the theme of the beginning, but it is deeper and longer, like a meditation in the moonlight, and eventually fades away and disappears.

In terms of performance skills, "Moonlight Night" fully demonstrates the expressive force of the Erhu, such as glissando, trills and other skills are skillfully used, making the whole piece both traditional charm and modern flavor. In addition, the song also incorporates some western musical elements, reflecting Liu Tianhua's spirit of exploration of musical fusion and innovation.

Artistic value and influence

"Moonlight Night" not only has high artistic value in music, but also carries the composer's respect and love for traditional culture. This piece of music is not only popular in China, but also loved by music lovers around the world. It not only enhanced the international influence of this traditional instrument, but also provided a rich source of inspiration for later composers.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving the artist

Liu Tianhua is from Xiheng Street, Chengjiang Town, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province. China's outstanding national musical instrument composer, performer, music educator. The master of modern Chinese folk music and the originator of the erhu.
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Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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