The performance form of the double-pipe bamboo flute

136 views · Organized by 弥光 on 2022-02-21

Bamboo leaf flutes are mostly used for solo performances and do not participate in ensembles of other Dong nationality instruments. The sound is soft and beautiful. Players often play alone in the mountains or fields for self-entertainment. There is no fixed music card, and most folk songs or minor tunes are played, and sometimes they are played improvisationally.


Rotation means that two or more people play the same melody, but they do not start at the same time, but differ by one beat or several beats one after another, forming an effect like an echo in a mountain but not an echo, and they fall together. , to cooperate with each other, continuous ups and downs, echoing before and after, using two flutes in F key to make 2 and bB to make 5, playing the main melody two beats away from each other, ups and downs, melodious and beautiful.


Ensemble refers to two or more performers of different parts, each playing the same piece of music according to the tune of their own parts, cooperating with each other, expressing the same idea together, and creating a unified musical image. The requirements of ensemble are much higher than that of solo. Two or more parts must achieve complete unity and harmony in terms of timbre, volume and emotion, and cannot play "hero ball" with emphasis on the individual and the whole. It is characterized by grandeur, uniformity, strong shock and penetration. The atmosphere of the duo is warm and cheerful, and physical movements can be added subtly. The physical movements of the two should be natural, harmonious and unified; the trio is characterized by a kind of distance beauty, and both cold and warm tones are present. The kind of quietness away from the hustle and bustle of the world, the enthusiasts express the majestic natural scene, let people in the palace of art, enjoy the realm of celebrities; of course, there are quartets.


Unison refers to two or more players playing the same tune at the same time. Its characteristics are: strong shock in volume, penetrating power, good resonance effect, imposing and pompous. In the form of unison, dozens of people play together, which is enough to conquer the audience in terms of volume and momentum. This form is also often used in teaching. Teachers sometimes need to train students' sense of rhythm, so that students with poor sense of rhythm will play together with students with good sense of rhythm, so as to firmly contain their rhythm and make it less likely to appear rushing or shooting. drop phenomenon.

Folk music ensemble

my country's national musical instruments mainly include: Dizi, Xiao, Guanzi, Sheng, Suona, Gaohu, Erhu, Jinghu, Banhu, Zhonghu, Liuqin, Yueqin, Sanxian, Yangqin, Pipa, Guzheng, Guqin, Gong, Muyu, etc. Due to the wide variety of ethnic musical instruments, the genres of Chinese folk music ensembles are very rich. To taste a folk music ensemble, you need to understand which instruments it consists of, the theme of the description, etc. It is the work of the famous composer Gu Guanren. It started with the vibrato of the bamboo flute from weak to strong, followed by the guzheng, followed by the bamboo flute, erhu, and pipa. The piece depicts the beautiful scenery of Su Causeway in spring. The rhythm is lively and the melody is smooth, which can be called the boutique in the small ensemble.

other forms

  1. duet. The two played to each other, echoing each other and cooperating with each other.
  2. table playing. In addition to the performers playing the flute, there is also a group of people performing live performances, and the content of the performance is consistent with the theme of the playing.
  3. New folk music. Combining folk instrumental music, electroacoustic bands and MIDI music together, adding popular orchestration techniques, and learning from each other's strengths, the individuality of folk music has been better displayed and the artistic expression of folk music has been enriched.
Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

The double-pipe bamboo-leaf flute (pinyin: shuāng guǎn zhú yè dí) is a single-reed gas-sounding instrument of the Dong nationality. In the Dong language, it is called Baben or Ji Bamei. Diaben means a flute made of bamboo leaves. Jibamei means a flute made of leaves. It is popular in Congjiang County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County and Rongshui Miao Autonomous County in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

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Organized by 爱在西元 on 2022-02-28
The double-pipe bamboo flute is made by tying two single-pipe bamboo flutes side by side.
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