Tips for playing the middle and fast bow of the erhu

343 views · Organized by 亦寒 on 2022-05-23

When learning erhu, we always start with an empty string and a slow long bow. The slower and fuller the bow is required, the better. Seek stability in the slowness, make sure that you are stable, and the left hand is solid before you start learning about the fast bow. Skill. Today, I will discuss with you some tips for playing the fast bow in erhu.

Quick bow is one of the important bowing techniques in erhu performance. It is good at expressing cheerful and enthusiastic emotions and rendering a fierce and unrestrained atmosphere. The fast bow is actually easier to play than the slow long bow, but it has higher requirements for the coordination of the left and right hands. The famous Erhu solo "Horse Racing" is a typical piece of Duo Kuai Gong. When playing the fast bow, the right hand must hold the bow firmly, which can be said to be more laborious. The position of the front of the forearm close to the wrist should be the leading part of the movement, and the shoulder joint should be mainly in the "spin" movement, so that the relaxation can be played. But powerful, clear and bouncy fast notes. When playing a fast bow, the coordination of both hands should be agile, and at the same time, attention should be paid to the speed of the bow and the natural coordination of the parts of the bow.

Tips for playing the middle and fast bow of the erhu

Erhu Quickbow Etude should start from slow practice. Many friends blindly pursue speed when practicing quickbow, and even rely on the mechanical shaking of hand joints to achieve high-speed quickbow. It seems that the speed is fast, but the rhythm will be rigid. And it's easy to make mistakes in pitch.

When practicing the erhu fast bow, pay attention to the ratio of the beat and the change of the bowing method, and play it briskly and dramatically. Pay attention to the naturalness of the finger pressing, the faster the speed, the smaller the movements of raising the finger and pressing the sound. The tone of every two measures is strictly doubled to train the independent ability of the left finger.

In a word, the most important point is to practice erhu fast bow, no matter how fast the rhythm is, the heart should not be in a hurry, first seek stability, and then seek fast.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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