What are the playing skills of Erhu?

239 views · Organized by ky on 2022-06-06

No matter what kind of instrument, the peak of art is endless. Erhu's playing skills are rich and varied. With the progress of the times, people's expressive power of erhu has been continuously improved and the scope has been continuously expanded, thus forming a variety of erhu playing styles, mainly including vibrato, glissando, decorative notes, bowing, etc., through these stylistic skills to achieve its performance. The effect of playing is full of flavor, which is also an important part of the art of erhu performance.

What are the playing skills of Erhu?

Erhu's vibrato is divided into three types: rolling, pressing and sliding. Generally, in music with rich content and many emotional changes, vibrato is used in combination in performance. When playing "Jiangnan Sizhu", a piece of music with the flavor of Jiangnan water town, the cheerful and beautiful Jiangnan style cannot be accurately reflected if the small vibrating method is not used. In Xinjiang-style works such as "Sunshine Shines in Tashkurgan" and "The Grapes Are Ripe", the fast-frequency tumbling method just rightly expresses the high-pitched, stretched and passionate musical emotions and the musical image of singing and dancing. Techniques are important factors in expressing a particular musical effect.

Since the erhu does not have a fingerboard like the violin, in order to express a specific character, a sense of rhythm, and a trembling inner emotion in the erhu song "Jianghe Shui", the pressing and kneading technique is used, which is one of the erhu kneading techniques A unique method, its effect is depressing, irritating, has obvious inner potential, and is more contagious.

The chords in "Bright Moon in the Han Palace" and "Erquan Reflecting the Moon" appropriately express the simple and elegant musical style and the slightly desolate musical mood. In a word, among the colorful vibrato techniques, vibrato, which expresses specific musical styles and special musical emotions, plays an immeasurable role in erhu performance as an important skill.

The vibrato brings endless beauty to the art of erhu music, but the appropriate sound effect without vibrato brings the effect of "silence is better than sound at this time" to erhu music. In the middle part of the erhu piece "Jianghe Shui", listen carefully to the performance of famous artists. Except for a few notes, most of the notes are not vibrated, creating a faint sound and a quiet atmosphere. Therefore, the artistic conception of memory, contemplation and dream in the music can achieve excellent results. Stanislavsky said in "My Artistic Career" that "the easier it is, the more difficult it is...". The artistic appeal produced by this non-stringing technique is called the "excellent artistic treatment" of Erhu.

In the erhu performance, when the emotions of joy, anger, sadness and music are expressed in a specific way, in order to meet the needs of various colors, it can simulate the human voice, and it can also vividly simulate the effects of chickens and dogs, aunts and aunts asking questions, the application of portamento relatively concentrated. Liu Tianhua's "Birds in the Empty Mountain" inherits and develops the tradition of folk art. In the different positions of the erhu, he skillfully uses various portamento techniques to vividly depict the singing of birds in the empty and secluded valley, and the morning light like morning light. Painted scenery, portamento is fully developed. The simulation of erhu glide is more and more used in modern works.

Ornamental notes often appear as auxiliary minor notes in erhu-style musical melodies. There are many techniques for decorative tone, such as monophonic, polyphonic, monophonic, polyphonic and echoing. For example, "Jiangnan Sizhu", as a very distinctive folk music, is handy for the use of smart, playful and brisk decorative sounds. In Mongolian music, the rich and small third-degree vibrato and unique decorative beats more vividly show the style of the music in front of people in the beautiful music melody, making us feel like we are in the vast grassland where horses are running.

Bowing is an important means for the erhu, a musical instrument close to the human voice, to express the priorities and cadence of musical emotions. In addition to the conventional bowing techniques, special bowing techniques such as slamming wave bows, pad bows, leaping broken bows and throwing bows make erhu music more charming. For example, the long tone used in "Erquan Reflecting the Moon" is full of internal dynamics in the sound, while the use of the stumbling bow shows hesitant to speak, endless emotions, and the charm of the music and the connotation of emotions are also more vivid. In the Mongolian music style, the larger and slower "pad bow" is often used to continue the national rhythm of the same pitch, making it more generous, coherent, sonorous and powerful, and can also strengthen the art of melody sound when expressing eager emotions Effect. "Feiyue Broken Bow" is called "Flying Bow" in the folk. It is a colorful bow method that expresses special musical effects. It can play fast musical melody, and can also be combined with techniques such as portamento to render the atmosphere or express a specific music. effects, such as simulating the effect of a horse running. "Tossing the bow" is a very characteristic bowing method, which often expresses the gradually rising emotions in the music.

Erhu's techniques are complex, and at the same time endow Erhu music with style and color. The rich techniques give full play to and expand the musical expression of the erhu.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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