What kind of erhu is called erhu?

287 views · Organized by 华夫饼 on 2022-05-23

Erhu lovers have a deep understanding. A good erhu is a treasure when you buy it home and get it in your hand. Today I will teach you how to identify what kind of erhu is called an erhu.

What kind of erhu is called erhu?

1. A good erhu must be made by hand, and the sound must be clean and pure. The mechanical piano often vibrates and produces some unpleasant sounds. A lot of people say that I can't tell whether the tone is good or bad, maybe it's because I don't pull it well? That's okay, you can still watch it. The hand-skinned erhu piano made by erhu manufacturers will not be pressed too rigidly. The python skin pattern on the edges and corners is still uneven, and the hexagon is a relatively smooth arc, while the machine skin pressing will press the python skin very hard, without any bumps. The texture of the hexagons are straight lines. Machine erhu manufacturers have high production efficiency and can meet quantitative production and sales requirements. Such erhuger is cheap, but the life of the piano skin is not long.

Second, a good erhu must not add any artificial chemical ingredients. Erhu is made of natural ingredients from wood to piano skin.

The wood is hand sanded and polished to reveal the original colour and texture of the wood. The wood has its own air holes, and normal "breathing" can have a good resonance, so that the sound of the erhu is natural and beautiful. Inexplicable coatings (paints, etc.) are not only detrimental to the user's health, but also block wood pores and affect the wood's organization and resonance. Some erhu manufacturers use paint and other coatings to cover the surface of the piano in order to make the erhu look good, or to cover up the flaws on the wood. What's more, very ordinary hardwoods are painted with dyes to achieve the same appearance as high-end woods, and sold as high-end erhus.

3. Regarding the erhu skin, the natural python skin does not use any paint, showing the pattern of the python skin itself and the mysterious and cool color, and the color boundaries between the scales are not particularly obvious. If some piano skins look bright and bright, the color contrast is obvious, and the color boundaries between the scales are clear and rigid, then be careful that it may be caused by the paint, and consumers must polish their eyes to distinguish carefully.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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